❝and you belong with me not swallowed in the sea❞

Sep 20, 2009 21:21

Title: The Flower of the Dawn - Irrevocable Decisions
Series: Axis Powers Hetalia
Words: 1,000~
Characters: Taiwan ; Vietnam ; France ; Japan ; China ; America and various others. (China/Taiwan, Vietnam/France, with hints of America/Taiwan, Vietnam/America, China/Russia, ect.)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Eventually violence, language, and sexual situations. (non-graphic sex in this chapter)
Summary: As World War II draws to a close, the world begins to shift. Vietnam breaks her ties with France, only to be overcome by an enemy she hadn’t expected-herself. Taiwan is forces to chose between her family and her convictions as China’s Communist Revolution occurs. As the two Asian sisters struggle together and apart, communism, the United Nations, and the men in their lives threaten to either destroy them, or save them.
Chapter Summary: 1950-1954; the western nations begin to recognize Taiwan as the new Republic of China and offer her a chance to get the power she desires, while France gives up on Vietnam and leaves, leading her to seek comfort from another sources.
Past Chapters: Prologue : Ignoble Memories, Chapter One: Irreconcilable Differences , Chapter Two: Irreverent Actions

The Flower of the Dawn
Chapter Three : Irrevocable Decisions


January 14, 1950

“Géxià? America is here to see you.”

Taiwan, who had her knees tucked up against her chest as she sat hunched on the small couch, let loose a sigh. “Send him in,” she said, waving one hand lazily.

In the moment it took America to enter the room, Taiwan completely rearranged herself. When the western nation saw her, she was sitting primly, her hands folded elegantly in her lap and her head held haughtily aloft.

She had been waiting for the western nations to come see her for months, now. She fully expected them to force her back to China-after all, he was their ally. And she had feared their coming, for she knew she didn’t have the power to resist if they forced her to go back.

“Hello, Taiwan,” America said pleasantly, waving a hand.

She grimaced. “That’s not my name,” she muttered thickly.

“Huh? Oh, right. You’re the Republic of China, now.”

Taiwan opened her mouth to reply before she digested what America was saying. He had accepted her new name almost too readily. “That’s right,” she murmured.

America sat down in the armchair opposite Taiwan and smiled warmly. “Well, I suppose you know why I’m here,” he began.

“I’m not going back.” It was the only thing she could say, at this point.

“Back? To China?” America laughed. “Why the hell would we want you to do that?”

Taiwan bit down the retort that “China” was her name, now, and instead gaped at America. “But…you were his ally,” she said, confused.

“Things change,” America shrugged, though a dark shadow crossed over his face. “The bonds between allies crumble in the face of communism. Which is why I’m happy you got out of there when you did.”

“You are,” Taiwan realized. Relief flooded through her like a bright light, and a bit of the tension eased from her brow.

“But that’s not what I’m here to ask you about,” America continued. “It’s about the Security Council. We obviously can’t allow your brother to have veto power, anymore-his land has become much too unstable. And he no longer follows the government that earned him that seat.”

Taiwan nodded, seeing where America was headed but not daring to believe it.

“So we’d like you to take his place.”

“A seat on the Security Council? With veto power?”

America nodded.

Taiwan flushed with happiness and jumped to her feet, all steely dignity forgotten. “You have made me very happy,” she sighed.

“Glad to be of assistance,” America offered her a cheeky salute.

As Taiwan walked him to the door, America chatted on, telling her the details of the next meeting-the first that she would attend. Her mind was racing, but all her thoughts led to the same place-now, she had the power to defend her position. Now she might have enough influence to save her brother from himself.

“Thanks, Tai-oh, I mean Republic of China. Gosh, that’s a mouthful, isn’t it?”

Taiwan giggled. “I suppose it is. You can still call me Taiwan, if you must.”

“Thanks,” America grinned, then reached up to kiss Taiwan’s cheek before leaving the room.

Taiwan stood there for a long time afterwards, gaping after the American and blushing.


July 20, 1954

“You’re free, aru.”

Vietnam, who had been looking towards the oceans since the ships had left, who had watched France leave with a mixture of shock and longing, turned to China and glanced at him with a strange look in his eyes.

“Are you alright?” China asked, tilting his head to one side. Suddenly, Vietnam was very aware of the blinding amount of red he was wearing.


She turned to her elder brother and smiled, shaking her head. There hadn’t been time yet for her to discover what she was feeling, and to be honest, she didn’t want to figure it out.


“What is it, aru?”

“France left a lot of wine behind. Want to help me get rid of it?”

Half an hour later, the two Asian nations were sprawled against a grassy knoll, watching the sunset as they took turns swigging out of a thin-necked bottle. As Vietnam drained the bottle, she allowed it to fall from her finger and hiccupped.

“…he said he’d never leave…” she whispered, facing away from China.

China, who had never been one to show her affection, before, reached out tentatively and brushed Vietnam’s hair back from her brow.

“It’s not your fault, aru,” he said, his words slurred. Vietnam hiccupped again-she was not crying. “Those Europeans, they’re all liars.”

“I though you were allies,” Vietnam said. For some reason, it felt very nice to have her brother’s fingers against her skin, like that. She reached up to hold his hand against her forehead.

China shook his head, a bit sadly. Vietnam, even when she was sober, might have done anything to get that look off of her brother’s face. So now, under the influence of six cases of French wine, she reached up and brushed her fingers across his cheeks, leaning forward to place her lips tentatively against his.

She did not expect China to return the kiss with as much intensity as he did. One moment, they were a foot apart, and the next, his arms were wrapping around her, pulling her down on top of him. Vietnam, desperate for someone to hold her, allowed her body to become intertwined with her brother’s, completely forgetting that this was the man who had taught her how to walk, and how to farm, and how to write.

For this moment, they were simply two people-China allowed the stress of a civil war to drop from his shoulders as he gently pulled the clothes away from Vietnam’s body. She offered no opposition, pressing herself more and more firmly against him, craving even the slightest touch.

The crimson sky faded into deep blue, but still the two nations did not break apart. Vietnam’s hair came loose and tumbled over both of them, covering them like an inky curtain. China’s embraces were a combination of nurturing and demanding, his hands caressing Vietnam’s skin but at the same time pulling her more and more persistently against him.

After another moment, the two nations lay still, having fallen asleep in one another’s arms.

It was only the next morning, when Vietnam woke up to the sun rising and found herself lying naked in her brother’s embrace, did the tears begin to fall.


*This was a shorter chapter than normal, but that was on purpose. The next “scene” involving Taiwan jumps too far forward, chronologically, to fit the themes of this chapter, so I decided to wait and have the next chapter fully expand upon the arrival of the Vietnamese War and the Taiwan Strait Crisis.
*America, France and England didn’t want a communist China with veto power on the Security Council, where Soviet Russia was always causing problems. So, in the 1950’s, the three nations decided to recognize Taiwan as the Republic of China and give that government China’s veto power and seat.
*1854-the end of the First Indochina War.

If you liked this chapter, please watch heavenisonfire for more updates!

✦fanfiction, ✶character: taiwan, ✽chapterfic: flower of the dawn, ❥pairing: america/taiwan, ✶character: china, ✶character: america, ✶character: vietnam, ❥pairing: china/vietnam, ✤fandom: hetalia

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