Today I got up, went to church, got my favorite cereal (
), and got the paper. As I was enjoying my beloved cereal, I read my comics.
Look! Molly turns into Aunt Jemima! I love her pancakes.
So as expected, I had a miserable time yesterday. And as I predicted, I was only there to help Justin withi his iPod. Which I didn't. I had to go four-wheeling with Amber Baker! ::shudders:: I took a shower the second I got home. Now let me tell you something about liquid manure. It sure can ruin a party. A party that should have been fun had the fun washed out of it by the extremely bad stench of liquidy manure. YES!!
I don't feel very mean spirited or angry or in the mood to complain for some reason. So I need someone to make a fool of themselves. IM me and give me something to be mad about at fhqwhgads14172 so I can rant. Because, seriously, how can I be funny if I'm not complaining?