Dun dun duh duh

Oct 05, 2006 13:12

Ok, slight change of weekend movie plans.
I'm actually working both Saturday and Sunday, so I'll have less time available to me to watch movies than I'd thought.
Still gonna go see at least one, though...I'm thinkin' School of Scoundrels.
Probably Sunday, at a showtime that will let me get home, change, and be back to work by 5:15pm.
Anybody want in?
I can take three with me.

I am lovin' Ace. He makes it really easy to stay awake in class by sticking an earbud in my ear and listening to music on low volume while taking notes.
Plus, i finally got the Strong Bad email podcast working, at least most of them, so that's fun too.
Tee hee....'hope you got the extended warranty'...

My Astronomy professor is really irritating. He has everything online at his website, including every assignment we're supposed to do for the class. All we have to do is print them out, fill them out, and then hand them in when they're due.

Problem is, he doesn't freakin' tell us WHEN they're due until the DAY they ARE!
I mean, what the piss!? are we supposed to read his mind?
So, basically, 4 of the 5 assignments have been handed in late...not because I forgot to do them, or left them at home, or anything...no, because he doesn't let us know WHEN we're supposed to be doing the assignments.

I'm half tempted to just do ALL of them in one night, carry them with me every day, and just hand them in when he goes 'oh, and I should have today's assignment back to you by...'

That said, Astronomy has some pretty cool pictures.
Look at this one- it's a picture of the Heart Nebula.

I really, really wanna go paintballing. Or play tennis. Or archery.
I'm also extremely craving pizza.
Stuffed crust pizza with pepperoni and bacon, would be perfect.

One of my coworkers, Cabe, decided last Saturday that I should be a lawyer.
Now, he's not the first person to say that...just the latest in a long line of people, actually.
How many people really think that I should be a lawyer?

I've sacrificed all of my moon goats as of three nights ago. Two nights ago, I sacrificed my last moon chicken. Last night, it had to be a squirrel, cause that's all that I had handy.
I need a new sacrifical supplier.

I'm also gonna run out of ziploc bags soon, I should pick some more up.

I should add a cadbury creme egg to that list of cravings. *sigh*
Oooh, and milano cookies...

Dude, wouldnt' it be awesome if Foamy did podcasts? I would SO have EVERY Foamy episode on my iPod.
I'd watch the Amnityville Toaster episode at least once a day.
Maybe they did do them...I'll have to go look.
That'd be awesome, though.

Did you know that Crazy Frog kept Coldplay's 'Speed of Sound' from debuting at number 1?
Random factoid.
Just for you.

Really. You.
No, not you. YOU.

So, Karina now has a Mac laptop.
Which means I should start learning how to do some maintenence on them, because I'll probably have to fix it for her every so often when something happens...according to her, her mother is...'technologically troubled'.
Right now, we're just trying to get the internet working on it.

I wanna go to the moon.

Mmmk, looks like the professor's wrapping up.


"Nothing can stop us, not now, no, I love you, they're not gonna get us..."
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