The red bell keeps dinging

Oct 03, 2006 16:09

So, the iPod came, finally. Took freakin' long enough. Stupid FedEx.
It was supposed to arrive last Wednesday, and they dropped by at 12:15 to deliver it. Of course, no one was home, so they kept it, because they were requiring a signature. *grumbles*
I tried to go pick it up from the FedEx place, but I got there just after it closed. Not that it mattered, because as it turns out, it wouldnt' have been there anyway.
Thursday- left a note on the door saying that if noone was home when they came by, to please leave package with neighbor, and she would sign for it- someone would be home by 3pm at the latest. Rushed home from class to find that they'd tried to deliver it about 25 minute before I got home.
ANd no, they didn't leave it with the neighbor. Argh.
So Friday, they finally delivered it...of course, my parents were home ALL DAY and could have signed for it, but when do they deliver it? freakin' FOUR O'CLOCK! Why couldn't they have just done that the FIRST day!?!?! Or at LEAST the second, since the note I left said I'd be home by 3...argh.

But anyway, yeah. It came, and I spent about an hour Friday afternoon right after it came putting all of my music on it (as well as my pictures, which it did automatically). It's black, it's shiney, it's pretty, and new...yay!
Oh, yeah. And it has it's official name. Ace. I like it.

Friday evening, I went to a very interesting party. It was amusing. I shall not disclose any more about it here, as directed by the party's host.
Also, Halloween Oreos, the ones with the orange creme? Yummy.

Regal is going well. I've been kept relatively busy when I'm there...even got pulled in for an extra shift on Thursday, much to my disappointment.
It's scary how much money goes through even just ONE cashier's hands there, though. Two Fridays back, which was a light day for a Friday, I had approximately 10,000 dollars pass through my hands and my drawer. That's not even including the tickets that were purchased using credit cards.
I mean, yikes! But cool. I keep myself entertained when it gets boring by writing down bill info for Where's George.
Also, I saw the Covenant a little while ago, it wasn't bad. Could have been better, but it didn't suck.

This weekend was very entertaining. After dropping Rina off at work Saturday morning, I came back home and got a call from Travis. He needed somebody to help with his film project. Swordfighting. In order to get me interested, he opened with 'So how would you like to stab Tom?'
I was amused, but wasn't sure yet if I was up to it. But, after a failed trip to the bank, I was in a more swordfight-y mood, so I headed over. I got to be the pirate in the film (Tom, a crusader. *shrug* ), and we grabbed all the crap we needed and headed to Mang Park, which was where we decided to film (less 'modernity' there). got about 35 seconds worth of film done (much more filming, but it wasn't useful, lol) but then we had to split fast, because I was late for work.
Anyway, Sunday we got back together to finish the film at noon, headed over to the park again. We were just choreographing the first scene guessed it...

I stabbed Tom.

Well, sorta. Techincally, he stabbed himself, and I just helped.
The scene we were doing involved me swinging the sword at him, and he was grabbing the hilt of the sword to wrestle it away from my hands. The first two times we did the dry run, he grabbed it fine. however, the last time (which wasn't SUPPOSED to be a dry run, Travis was SUPPOSED to be filming, and if he had been, we'd have the whole thing on tape!) he grabbed far lower on the hilt than before, and part of the sword's cage, which points downward (and isn't particularly sharp, either) jabbed into the fleshy part of his left hand, between his thumb and forefinger- closer to the thumb.

So, we packed up and drove him to the ER, where we ended up spending the next two and a half hours or so. Mr. and Mrs. Craft stopped by for a few minutes, and later on, Heather, Dan, and Christina showed up as well. Mrs. Merkle made an appearance for a short while, too.

Poor guy. *shrugs* Teehee...Heather was mad that I got to stab him first.

So, there's a good chance I'm gonna see a bunch of movies this weekend. Anybody interested in coming with?
Jackass will probably be one of them. Might see something else, too...depends, I don't know what's starting Friday.

So, I'm sad....AAA will be going through a major revamp soon, and it's going to be quite different afterwards. The changes were announced two days ago, and already at least one longtime member (whom I really like and LOVE her writings) is leaving due to the changes. I'm really hoping it won't be as drastic as it seems like it may be...but I'm really worried. The past 10 months or so that I've been there, it's been a really awesome place (even with the slow decline of postings going on there), and I think it's been a great help to my writing. I'd really hate to lose it all now.
But, that aside, I have to respect the mods and admin there, since it really is their baby, and they've been there far longer than I have. The changes they're proposing are for what they feel will be for the best, in an effort to hopefully revive AAA.

But, regardless, my amount of posting there will probably decline a lot, even if I don't stop entirely. So, I'll be looking at other places to frequent.
First that came to my attention was . So, I'm already signed up there, and putting up Changes there as well.

I've also created a private forum for all my writing stuffs (it's working WAY better than the private writing LJ did), which if you'd like access to, all you have to do is ask. My intention with it is in several parts- first, to give myself ONE universal spot to put ALL of my writing that I can access from anywhere, as a collection....second, to provide a way for anyone who wishes to read my writings a single, universal spot to do so....and third, to allow the writing to be all in one place, and uninterrupted in the cases of stories that are still works in progress- whereas in other forums, they may get comments in between chapters or sections, here, the only place where comments and reviews of the works may go is in a seperate board- NOT directly on the story's thread.
Plus, I've created a 'fanfiction' board as well, for anybody that writes something using my characters, places, etc., so I can host it there, as well. An example of that would be Mia's little ficlet involving Shunjii from 'Changes'.

I dont' really expect that board to get particularly full, but I figured, hey, why not.
So, as I said, if you'd like, you can visit my writing forum at . I do ask that if you read my stories, I'd love to hear what you think about, please register on the forum (free and pretty simple), and create yourself a little thread and let me know what you thought of whatever you read.
Of course, you dont' HAVE to, but I'd really appreciate it.

I'm freakin' starving right now. I had half a bowl of honey nut fake cheerios for breakfast, because that's all that was left in the bag, and I haven't eaten lunch...because there wasn't anything to eat that I could bring with me in the refridgerator, and Rachael wasn't at Buff State today, so she couldn't buy me food, either. I'm gonna eat half the refridgerator when I get home...

Anyway. That's all I've got right now. I'll get outta your box now.


"I'd travel through hell to be by your side. I may not be able to pull you out, but at least I can join you."
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