Al Queda, Osama, and 5/1/2011

May 02, 2011 13:16

 Yesterday, as everybody knows, the US troops shot and killed Osama Bin Laden by direction of President Obama.

I have very mixed feelings about this. Immediately I was happy with the fact that this evil man can no longer cause harm to others.I don't agree with violence most of the time, but I do think that his death was justified and that is the most necessary thing to do, even if it is murder. I am proud that our government has worked to bring down the leader of an enormous terrorist group, even if I don't like how they did it.

Then, I saw how everyone was reacting. People were going CRAZY with excitement, and talking about how maybe the troops can come home, and how this was "closure" on this war. I feel that is is extremely ignorant behavior, and I am very upset that people are not thinking this through.

In my opinion, this is going to cause A LOT of problems. I am appalled that people can not understand the repercussions that this can cause. Al Queda has stated that if Osama Bin Laden was ever captured or killed, they would detonate a nuclear bomb in Europe, and would begin "nuclear hellstorm" on the US. This is NOT good, and people really need to understand that this is a VERY REAL possibility. The troops will not be coming home anytime soon, and a lot of people could die.

That being said, I am just as frustrated with the people who keep calling all Americans "idiots" and keep talking about how stupid our country is. I am not a huge patriot, and I clearly disagree with a lot of policies and factors about US culture. However, this is our country, and we need to make every effort to improve it. I strongly believe that everyone needs to think critically about every decision made, and to question the pro's and con's of the choices that the Government makes. That is our duty as citizens of this country. It does not mean we are anti-American, in fact, it means that we care enough about our country to think about what is best for it. But when we start talking about changing our citizenship to move to a different country because "this one sucks", we need to realize that the countries around us have only made the progress that they have over hundreds of years with the trial and error of many governments and systems. If all of the citizens had up and left with no loyalty to their country, the countries never would have made it to the point that they have, and we would not want to move there. The US is extremely young compared to other countries and we need to give it a chance to improve. If we all abandon our country and do not work to make it a better place, then it never will become a better place.

(I do acknowledge that many people have other reasons for wanting to move to a different country, and those are not the people and reasons I am referring to.)

I am sorry about this rant, but this has been bothering me in a very serious way. So many people are only focusing on the good things that can come from Osama being killed, but it is so much more important for us to see the enormity of the situation. We need to protect ourselves as a country so that we are not blind-sided by the very active, and very alive members of Al Queda.

Yeah. So that's how I feel. Obviously my opinion may not be the most efficient or logical way to get things accomplished, but I just really needed to get it out of my head because I have not been able to focus on anything else. I respect other's opinions and value hearing them, this is just simply the way I feel.

I may also be fairly biased, as my girlfriend is studying abroad in France right now and in the next month will be traveling (by plane) to 4 major cities in Europe. I am extremely terrified that the threats/plans of a nuclear bomb might be implemented, and that she and the rest of the European citizens will be gravely hurt. It is also scary to think that Rhode Island is very close to 3 major cities/states (Boston, New York, DC) and that we could easily be extremely affected by any attacks that happen.

I hope that Al Queda does not follow through with their threats, and I hope that Osama's death does actually solve the problems that everyone seems to think it will. I am just simply skeptical and very much afraid.
-end rant-
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