
Sep 11, 2009 07:46

I've discovered that on mornings when I don't have time to drink that first cup of coffee, things seem to go just not quite right, and usually by no fault of my own, I might add. A sopping wet blackboard or a projection screen that won't go up or a copier not being on and then taking forever to warm up or the only chalk in the room being tiny little nubbins are NOT things that me having an extra cup of coffee would have helped.

Forgetting how to add in class, yes. Coffee might help that. But all those other things? No. Coffee would not fix that, and yet they only seem to happen on days when I'm already a bit off.

Oh well.

(Thank goodness I bring a thermos of coffee to work! I just didn't have time to sit with a cup at home this morning. Why is it, oh television, that you do not air new episodes of Top Chef or Project Runway until 10:00pm? The first one's not too bad because I don't have to be in the next day 'til 9:30, but Heidi -- I have class the next morning at 8:10! No! Do not like!)

my life is a bad sitcom

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