I just decided to join after coming across a group on here called sewunderground, which seems perfect for the point I'm at in my life right now! I'm HOOKED on sewing, and I feel like the day is not complete unless I've MADE something!
I also love to drool over auctions such as Supayana on ebay, but since I don't have the moola yet to buy them I have to let my own creative juices out!
So if you have auctions that are DIY please feel free to plug yourself here (as I'm sure I'll plug my own vintage clothing website), which is over yonder at
Yesterdays Moment I'm always searching ebay for DIY items, I lean towards liking more victorian/edwardian influenced DIY but I also LOVE the 40's/50's but so far am only finding patterns for that era which I plan to attempt. (Wish me luck!)
I hope to glean some good insight on sewing tips through all the sewing groups I can on here. (why are there no sewing classes offered anymore?) I have a LOT to learn as I just started and need to learn how to do different hems, corset holes, etc.
So, my name is Heather, and I'm a vintage fashion addict. (Said in my best support group voice)