Alcohol and Partying...

Oct 11, 2007 03:30

What the hell is wrong with me? I can't do it any longer...I get nosebleeds, wake up with random bruises, feel like crap the next day, and make horrible decisions. I've blacked out so many nights that I've lost count. Sounds like time for a list of why drinking leads to problems...

  1. Recently, I've been getting nosebleeds after crazy party nights
  2. I'm constantly spending more and more money on drinks when I'm quite drunk just to have a drink in my hands
  3. Random bad decisions after another and another, especially boys
  4. I've lost all drive for school and actual success
  5. Throwing up/Blacking Out/Random Bruises and literally destroying my body
This is the first Thursday in a long time when I haven't gone out. I'm starting to hate myself. I need to learn a fucking lesson.

I should be dead. All this drinking and considerable amount of apathy about life and everything in general. lighter news...I'm going home this weekend, maybe that'll cheer me up. Brooke and Becca are coming up tomorrow afternoon :)

I bought a studded belt...sigh...reminds me of my punk rock days. Can't wait to show PGA so he can laugh at me.
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