Sep 08, 2007 23:55
Someone asked me on Friday if I was a kiwi. I should have said 'yes'.
Did you know giraffes regurgitate their food and eat it again, to get all the nutrients out of plant leaves that have hardly any nutritious value to begin with? This is what I learned today.
I also learned that elephants used to live everywhere on the Earth except Antarctica. That would clear up a few things for me.
I bite my nails too much. I hate when I bite my nails, but I like to see other people who bite their nails. Especially when those people try so hard to look flawless. It shows a human quality, I guess. I don't know. Maybe I'm just wierd and trying to make an excuse for demolishing my fingers. My fingers are really long. I've seen people with bigger hands than me, but not longer fingers (when you compare the hand-to-finger length ratio)
If dragons weren't real, then how come the English, Chinese, Mayan/Aztec/Inca, Germans, Scandinavians, Australians, and Africans have animals that look relatively the same and do relatively the same things?