so you found out today your life's not the same...

Dec 15, 2004 22:53

welp at my dads so i can update!

sunday when i got home i hung out with the family.. watched the survivor finale and stuff.. it was so weird to hang out like that and have everyone getting along and what not.. but it was cool i guess. although i probably would've rather been with friends lol

monday- school.. exciting stuff there.. went to kohls and got some of the things i want for christmas. i got some cute clothes! but i dont get them till christmas :-( and that just sucks cuz its like torture! then we went to eat at frisch's.. then to this christmas thing we go to every single year.. it was another one of those family nights like sunday.. how exciting! my mom asked me some really weird ?'s at dinner.. some stuff is interesting that she told me but idk if its really journal appropriate lol ha. ran to walmart, spent $20 lol oops! i was really tired though so i went to bed at 10:30ish

tuesday- school.. was very tired that day.. things improved a tiny bit with the drama. but it was a good day! um when i got home i slept some, then went to buy the cans for my advisory class for the food drive.. i felt so dumb pushing around a cart of like 30 cans and nothing else lol. i got some weird looks! then met up with mrs. lach at CVS to give her the cans.. then headed over to katies and hung out with her and nikki for a few hours.. hadnt been there in like a week so it was cool! the hat and the baldness was just great! and i was told i looked like ricki ticki tavi something lol( probably spelled that wrong). then went home and watched some tv and went to bed.. but it was a great day! especially getting to go to parker's!

wed( today)- good day! things got sooo much better!!! yay! i'm still a little confused on some things but i'll get it sorted out tomorrow hopefully! 5th bell spanish, chocolate de caliente- horny chocolates! lol oh that was funny! and our 12 days of christmas is gonna rock!! but yeah, had student council after school.. helped paint.. then went home, then brought katie's shirts to school for her, then went to my dads.. umm had to pick up jeffrey from day care which was interesting.. then got subway!!! mmmmm it was gooooood! hadnt had that in awhile.. um yea, talked online, looked up some things..ya know, all that fun stuff! i'm babysitting right now but jeffrey is in bed so really im not lol. im gona go to bed soon though..

tomorrow driving to school~ um maybe going to norlyn manor with some kids from student council.. hopefully we get to go~ then later on i think im taking curt and carl up to the mall to do some shopping and hang out and stuff.. havent hung out with them in over a week so it should be alot of fun! i hope im allowed to go though! i think tomorrow will be a good day.

friday i start work sorta kinda.. we have our real orientation at 5 but hopefully it wont last past like 7 so i can maybe find something to do with someone unless everyone's busy which i think they will be :-(  saturday and sunday i have job training cuz they actually open monday, dec 20. so im guessing ill be busy.. plus i have lots n lots of homework to do this weekend! i really dont know how im going to get it done! :-(  pretty soon i'm gonna start stressing! ive been told i stress way too much! ugh i hate stress!!! but its def gonna happen this weekend~

guess thats about it kids... idk what else to say.. other than i'm happier now.. it's good to have my friends back even if things arent exactly the same, i'm still really happy about it! :-) lol i've got problems..

leave me a comment please! no one ever comments!!! :-(

<3 Heather

i'd live for your smile, but die for your kiss <3

I'm always wrapped up in things I cannot win..
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