so.. just a little update cuz i feel like it..
last night talked on the phone alot with alicia, tried to help her out with something, watched Shrek 2! i didnt know we had it and i'd never watched it before lol. i loved it though! um had a good talk with katie that was needed and made me feel a little better about stuff.. talked online to kyle and courteney alot, and nikki some.. it was a good night though.. nothing exciting but it was still good..
i gotta put this in here from me and courteney talking.. just cuz its funny..
- tRiXr4KiDs8706 (1:50:39 AM): that loser.. who does he think he is
CkRy05cHrL (1:50:48 AM): the shit...lmao
- tRiXr4KiDs8706 (1:51:02 AM): right..he's not "the shit", hes a piece of shit
- CkRy05cHrL (1:51:10 AM): yea
CkRy05cHrL (1:51:11 AM): lol
haha that was a good one.. and it def. isnt about who you might assume it is lol..
today slept in till 12ish.. ate some breakfast, looked at some store ads, then read alot.. i've been reading for the past like 2 hours, i read a whole book today and started reading another one lol. i'm not a big reading person but some books i get so caught up in and just cant stop cuz they're so good lol. so yeah thats what i've been doing..
i'm going home in a few hours.. oh boy.. my mom doesnt know i didnt go to jaos or school friday lol. we'll see how she likes that one. haha. i hope she lets me have the car back too, i might try and talk to her about some stuff but idk cuz she never listens and doesn't care, i wish she cared and would listen but that's highly unlikely..
i guess thats about it then...
comment please if u want~
<3 Heather
it's all still there like you left it, december stayed the same, nothing ever changed but you..
i'm weak, it's true; i'm just scared to know the ending..
everyone makes mistakes.. that's how you learn things in life.