Thanks to melstra for the fun meme. Now that I'm finally getting around to doing it, if anyone else wants to share in the fun, feel free to leave me a comment saying "words" and I'll give you your words.
MY words from melstra were: ASL,NY,marriage,parents and guitar ( Words )
Apparently the BBC reckons most people will have only read 6 of the 100 books here. Instructions: 1) Look at the list and put an 'x' after those you have read. 2) Tally your total at the bottom. 3) Put in a note with your total in the subject
you are lavender #E6E6FA Your dominant hue is blue, making you a good friend who people love and trust. You're good in social situations and want to fit in. Just be careful not to compromise who you are to make them happy.
Your saturation level is very low - you have better things to do than jump headfirst into every little project. You make sure your
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My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haulheather_button goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as Buzz Lightyear's Mommy.akqj10 tricks you! You get a wad of paper.astridlynn tricks you! You get a broken balloon.brightflashes gives you 15 red coffee-flavoured pieces of bubblegum.caramida gives you 19 white passionfruit-flavoured nuggets.melstra tricks you! You
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Here's a fun little meme from brightflashes. If you'd like to have fun, too, then just post a comment that says "interview me" and I'll ask you 5 questions that you can post on your blog and answer.