Since my last post, I have gotten worse as far as the coughing and serious wheezing. I can't take a *real* breath and I'm getting a wicked headache (and a bit lightheaded to boot) fromn taking such shallow breaths. I finally conceeded to Paul last night that I should go to the urgent care clinic. I felt really bad, because we had just put Nathan to bed, and he was half asleep. We had to wake him up to take him with us. Then when we got there, I was, of course, asked to wear a mask. Not fun when you can't breathe to begin with, and not fun for Nathan, who had to wear one, too. Paul actually had to take him out of the waiting room for about 15-20 minutes because he wouldn't wear it. Then he got hysterical because he wasn't with me. So, apparently, they stood outside the waiting room window and watched me for awhile. When I finally got into a room, they gave me a nebulizer treatment and said after that, they'd do a chest film (same things the PA did on Saturday at THE SAME FACILITY). Anyway, toward the end of my breathing treatment, I was feeling more lightheaded than I had the day before and I COULD NOT keep my eyes open. Paul was in the room with Nathan at that point (thank God, or I would have ended up on the floor) and he called for the nurse. That was the last thing I remember seeing before I passed out. They turned me practically upside down and gave me smelling salts (yuck!) and when I was coherant enough, they moved me to a stretcher in another room. I ended up getting poked and prodded for all sorts of bloodwork, an EKG, an IV and oxygen. I got a second breathing treatment, which made things worse, and they decided to forgo the chest film since I'd had one Saturday that looked ok. The only things that they could definitely say were that my blood sugar and BP were fine, I don't have the flu, I'm not pregnant, I was dehydrated and my white blood cell count is slightly elevated. But they don't know why. So they sent me home with a nebulizer, prescriptions for stuff FOR the nebulizer and an increased dosage of prednisone, which my insurance won't fill because they just filled it on Saturday. Great. Now I have to call the insurance company to get that straightened out while feeling like crap. Not that it matters much anyway, because we have absolutely no money until I get paid on Thursday. Oh, and I have a feeling my boss is not impressed by me calling in today, and since the doc wants me out until Wednesday, I think I'll get fired for this. When it rains, it pours!
Boy, this really turned into a bitchfest. Sorry, but I needed to get it out :)