Jul 18, 2007 10:04
Hello, my oh my, I think Livejournal and Facebook are getting so hi-tech their becoming un-user-friendly for me. All this new fangled technologies n such. Anyways, so there is this new Top Friends option on Facebook, where the more ppl that 'Top Friend' you, the higher status of popularity you get. Hmmm. Why doesn't that seem right? That aside, but not really, I discovered that a handful of people Top Friended me. Interesting. I have to admit, I felt warm and fuzzy when I saw it. But I looked through the people and thought, 'Do these ppl really think of me as a Top Friend?' How many friends can they pick as top friends, all of them? If it were like 5 picks, then I would feel really special. Is a Top Friend a best friend, or a friend you like, but don't you like all your friends? Isn't that the definition of a friend?
I saw Amrit Top Friended me. Haha, can you imagine?! Him on Facebook. Anyways, that really made me happy, I always miss him. I ran into him the other day in Racine, at B&N, very literally too. Turned a corner and almost smacked into him. He's really quite tall. I suffer from being short and not realizing it. Every once in a while I realize that most of my friends are at least 5 inches taller than me. Of course, most my friends are guys, so.... that kinda makes sense. But still. One day I'll just be like, since when did you get so much taller than me, and they'll be like, ...always... And people tell me I'm short! What? No, I'm a good natural Heather sized height, everyone else is just extra tall. Obviously.
I want to go running, or go excerise or something. Kris is sleeping still. I'm in his kitchen, LJing and playing Rammstein. I love Sehnsucht. Anyways, I've been wanting to go to the Kern Center to work out, but after I finish at work (WC), Kris picks me up, we go home, eat and hang out for the rest of the night. And we are too poor to afford healthy food. And you all know how I am about that. I can't wait to lunch mit meine mutti (with my mom) so we can go for chicken salads. She spoils me, I love it. But I can't beleive she sends so much on me and Misty when we're home. I guess she's just glad to have us home, cuz it's not often. Plus, my dad has been working third shift, 12 - 16 hours shifts, covering another night guy who is out, pulling down cash like never before. But he's gone all night, asleep all day. My brother does jack all day, videogames by himself. Mom must get really lonely without us girls. And even then, Misty's not exactly the most energetic, fun-loving person you ever met.. Sigh.I hope I always have time to hang out with my mum like we do, we really hang out. We pretty close. I need an iced chai.
So in less than a month, Kris is taking me to New York! Aug. 7 - 11. Right over our 4 year Anniversary date! Squee! I'll try to remember to update after. I can't wait.
Well, we'll see how the rest of this summer goes. Chao for now.