
Feb 22, 2008 09:02

Hi! I feel like posting so that's what I'm going to do. To be totally lame, I guess I just can't quit LJ as much as I tried.

I think a lot of my problem before was I started to take it way too seriously. Everything just annoyed me and it all went bad. So anyway, I guess I kind of missed it and the people.

Plus, the not talking about TV thing? Geez, hard. Really. D.'s like can we possibly talk about something else? And I can't exactly go on and on about Project Runway because he could care less.

  • D & I are still living together, without killing each other for over a year now. I still have NO idea what's going on and I have, to my own dismay, kind of turned into that girlfriend. You know the one who is consumed with wondering where it's all going and what it all means? I think we both try to take it lightly because it's how we are but I take it very seriously when I'm alone or talking to BF or gram and I've decided to stop pretending like it doesn't mean anything to me or that I don't want it. I'm at the point where I kind of know I'm not having kids, so the least he can do is marry me. Or, even if he doesn't do that, to just say, it's you and me and that's it. I could totally deal with that.
  • I had my gallbladder out a couple of weeks ago. It was a fairly horrible experience that I won't get into too much detail about but I have a very special anatomy according to my surgeon. I actually had 2 gallbladders (the sack had split in two) and I guess neither of them worked! But on top of that, they kept seeing a "dark area" over the gallbladder which they couldn't figure out and it turned out to be my small intestine which grew over the gallbladder(s) and has developed diverticulum sacks. She doesn't think it will cause more problems or that I'll develop diverticulitus (which runs in my family so I hope not). So that was FUN.
  • I bought a car in October! That was exciting and depressing because not having a car payment for 3 years was nice. BUT not smoking for 3 years allowed me to put a good down payment on it and so I was able to get a car I wanted! It's a 2004 Jeep Liberty and it has all kinds of bells and whistles that came with the special edition so lucky me. A sunroof! I saw that and I was completely done for. D. knew it. I knew it. I just love it. Not so much the gas mileage but everything is great. I can not say enough nice things about it. It's like having an SUV but yet driving a car. It's very interesting.
  • LOST kicks so much ASS. I can not stop being mental about it. For reals. It's kind of weird.
  • I can't wait for The Office to come back. When they won the SAG Award, it was so nice to see them all again. Eight was not enough.
  • Supernatural has been unbelievably good this year. We are totally loving it.
  • I can't really think about FNL being gone for good. Just when D. loves it, it's over. There's not much I can say about it - you all thought pretty much the same things I did over the course of the season. I hope it returns - in some way, on whatever network.
  • I am completely over Heroes. It could be a combination of many different things but I am very happy I don't have to worry about it until the fall. I don't even know if I will watch it then. We'll see.
  • I've heard that everyone and their brother adores Pushing Daisies and although I liked it - the actors quite a lot and the pretty for sure - I still find myself on the fence. I watch it because Chi McBride kicks ass and Lee Pace is cute with his floppy hair. But I have no love for Chuck. NONE. She sucks the life out of it for me. I can't deal. And it's just so quirky to be quirky that it grates.
  • I do, however, adore Reaper so whatev. Hi, Ray Wise is the DEVIL. How can I not love anything that has Ray Wise in it?
  • I will watch Chuck before it returns. I'm more curious now than I was when it started.
  • I damn tlace for this but I kind of like Moonlight. It's obviously never going to change my life or impact me in any great way but I do kind of like escaping for an hour.
  • Although I find myself kind of bored with this year's Project Runway, I still love it. I do love Chris and Sweet P - not so much the clothes but I just thought they were great. I think Jillian might win. I'm not certain but I just get this feeling that Christian, although talented and of course, fierce, may be too avant-garde for a PR winner.
  • I'm going to visit tlace again! So I'm very excited about that and it gives me something to look forward to.
  • I'm trying to read and write as much as possible. I had big ideas that I would plow through all these books when I was out the week after my surgery and I would completely finish the new B/S fic I've been working on but that was a laughable idea because I just doped myself and slept. I have a stack of books on my nightstand, ranging from serious to chick lit and I would really like to read them all by May. It's so hard to be able to sit and read for hours anymore. There's always something to do. I can't even remember all the titles - mostly because 1/2 of them have been there for quite some time, I'm ashamed to say. But I'm working on Atonement and I recently finished The Time Traveler's Wife and Big Boned (which I normally love Meg Cabot because it's easy reading and fun but this mystery murder thing is just okay for me).
  • sweet_ali has a really great idea of keeping a list of 100 movies you see in the year. I'm totally going to snag it, if it's okay with her. I have a feeling that actually seeing 100 NEW movies is a lot more daunting than I think it is.
  • BF had a baby! I'm like an aunt! Well, it's as close to being an aunt as I will get because both D. and I are only children. Her name is Ella and she is perfectly precious. I even hold her! I wouldn't touch a baby until they were at least 6 months old so it's like a whole new experience.

    If you made it through all that *hugs* and I hope to catch up with you all soon :)
  • tmi: health, tv: fnl, books, tmi: the boy, tmi: life, tv: spn, tv: project runway, tv whore, tv: lost

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