reading makes our speaking english good

Jun 01, 2007 17:00

I have literally been trying to post this since like 10 a.m. I'm not sure if it's work or LJ that prevented me from doing so...

It's Friday. I've barely worked all week and I ain't starting now!

Pack Up Your Bags, It's Never Too Late! by annakovsky and kyrafic - An oldie but goodie. It's just perfect Jim and Pam.

Zombiepocalypse! - seriously ZOMBIES + ficlets = AWESOME. Especially when you combine How I Met Your Mother with them. That's here by fox1013 and Buffy & Supernatural with a little Daddy!Winchester & Buffy UST (hee!) and that's here by juleskicks

Buffy season 7 character arc essay by spygrrl76

Promise of You by beanbeans - Wonderful Buffy/Spike ficlet set in season 7 after the dechipping. You'll have to join the community to read her stuff but OMG, so worth it!

Domino Effect by anaross - Post-EOD and a FutureBuffy comes to see a present Spike.

Such Great Heights by enigmatic_blue - Post-The Gift. Buffy jumps and when she lands she's 20 years in the future.

Seven Days by twilightschild9 - I am just about to start reading this. Post-Chosen, Buffy makes a wish to get seven days with Spike. Sounds nice and fluffy.

And if you have any recs - The Office, Buffy, etc - share them, please!

fic: recs, tv: btvs, otp: jim/pam, tv: spn, otp: buffy/spike, zombies!yay!, tv: himym, tv: the office

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