thank goodness it's thursday

May 31, 2007 13:03

I'm glad things seem to be calming down and I find it completely awesome that fandom_counts is over 25,000 members. Seriously, fandom rocks. And next time I bitch and complain about it, I'll try and remember that I said that!

Today is my gram's 79th birthday. She's recouping from her surgery just fine and she's just her usual firecracker self. Nothing keeps her down. I wish I had an ounce of her stamina. Gram also rocks.

I have been devouring B/S fic lately. I'm just craving all things Buffy lately and we started to watch season 7 last night. I haven't watched it since I got the DVD when it was released and D.'s never watched it - he stopped watching Buffy in season 4, I think he said (which, whenever he told me used to watch Buffy, I was like I love him - I'm too easy). We only got through "Lessons" and he was laughing and said, "That was pretty good. I thought it was going to suck." I tried to tell him that even a fairly bad episode (or, hell, season) of Buffy is still better than most things. In any event, I'm trying to gather up some good fics to rec for the site. It's been enjoyable. I've also started to reread Mary's Journeys, which if you're a B/S fan and you haven't read it, what kind of fan are you??? :)

I'm going friends only because why not? I've never particularly cared before but you never know. You still flock it and unflock certain posts, right? Well, whatever, I'll figure it out.

Also, So You Think You Can Dance? is back on and I don't think I've ever expressed my utter love and devotion to this program. I'm a bitter dance student who had her tap and ballet shoes stolen and couldn't afford to buy new ones and had to quit. I just love it and it might be something that keeps me posting - which I don't think in the 3 years I've been on here, I've ever done consistently during the summer. I was just looking at my numbers and since 9/03, I've only posted 309 times. That's just sad. I need to remedy that.

etc: lj, tv: btvs, tmi: life, otp: buffy/spike

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