what to do????

May 16, 2007 14:57

Should I buy tickets to see Kelly? I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to go and I'd rather D. buy them for me for my birthday but he doesn't seem like he's actually going to do that. He said he'd go with me because "I'd rather see Kelly than have to suffer through Fiona Apple again" (which whatever, hair metal band lover). Has anyone seen Kelly? Is it worth the $120 - probably 140 by the time the taxes and "cleaning costs" come into it. Advise, please. And, dudes, seriously, bliccy makes the most gorgeous Kelly art - from back in the Bored Now days to right now.

SO! I've been busy. BFF got married last month and that pretty much killed April. It was awesome and beautiful. It literally rained for 6 days straight and the day she got married, it was 75 and sunny and wonderful out. She looked so gorgeous and her now hubby(!) was trying not to cry and he looked at me and smiled and he was so happy and I was just thrilled to have been a part of her special day.

I can't believe it's the end of TV already! *wah* I'm in complete denial that The Office is ending Thursday. I don't even want to deal with Heroes next Monday because I am so insanely anxious because I am really nervous for every single character. I've never felt like that before - but really, I think Tim Kring is just balls out insane (which is awesome) and he'll do some insane shit (which is also awesome) BUT it makes me nervous. And then there's Lost, which I think has been pretty freakin' good since it came back, but I may be alone in that.

I didn't realize how excited I would be that Supernatural would go onto a 3rd season but I got such a happy yesterday when I read it. YAY!

Will Veronica Mars just die, already? (Shh, sweet_ali!)

It occurred to me that with Gilmore Girls over, it completes that bunch of years where all I watched was the WB and was very deep into fandom, websites, fanlistings and all that stuff. It's kind of strange. As much TV as I watch now, I'm not as invested as I had been back in the WB glory days of Buffy, Angel, Felicity, Gilmore Girls, Roswell and Dawson's Creek (exceptions being The Office, Heroes and Lost, of course). It's like this huge part of my fangirly life has finally come to a close.

I'm getting a kitchen! I'll be able to really cook like on a stove without hotplates and skillets! I'll be able to bake again! I've been completely out of sorts not being able to bake.

You know what's good? Peanut Butter Playground ice cream cake from Cold Stone. It's no joke.

tv: heroes, tmi: the aparment, music: kelly, tv whore, tmi: life

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