you've given me everything i need

May 15, 2007 21:42

Leave it to Gilmore Girls to get me out of of just lurking around like a crazy non-commenting stalker person.

All day long I've been trying to prepare myself for the end. I've pulled out my first season dvds, wanting to marathon it before the end but much like what happened with Buffy, I'm finding it far too difficult to do so. I've just been generally bummed all day long and at the same time, eagerly anticipating the end because I needed to have a good, final memory of this show, these characters that I have loved for seven years.

So I'll start with the ep and say that I tried not to cry for quite some time and I made it until the ironing scene and that was pretty much the end. For me, it was just a perfect Gilmore send-off. I loved seeing everyone. I loved that the Richard and Emily were at the party. I insanely loved that Luke stitched together tarps to make sure the party went on. I was beyond thrilled that assy Logan didn't show up. And the best part? THE BEST PART WAS THE END WITH THE MIRRORING OF THE PILOT. OMG the tears were out of control. I'm trying so hard not to sob uncontrollably and give D. a perfectly good reason to wonder why he moved in with me.

That end scene and just the general thoughtfulness DR gave the finale made me happy to be a fan - albeit a mostly disgruntled fan the last year and a half - but a fan none-the-less. I mean, really, how can he go wrong with:

  • Christiane Amanpour???? Dude, awesome. I was so happy for Rory!
  • Knowing that Friday Night Dinners will continue.
  • Lane and Rory BFF moment of awesomeness. As much as I love Paris and truly adore the relationship between Rory and Paris, Lane is her BFF and I'm so glad they showed that.
  • Sookie. Oh, sweet Melissa McCarthy. The scene between her and Luke was just love for everything that Sookie is.
  • Richard telling Lorelai how remarkable she is. Jesus, I'm getting sad all over again. And although there was no big declaration from Emily, we got the above mentioned FND thing and that to me says EVERYTHING EVER.
  • Whee for dropping the charcoal and just awesome arms around the neck classic Luke and Lorelai kissing! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! (I wish the previews from last week didn't show this as I kind of thought they would end the show with Luke asking Lorelai to go on the boat trip with him but whatever! KISSING!)
  • The party speech and the look that Alexis and Lauren shared that said SO much both for the characters and the actresses.

    So that's the end and it was so good and has made me remember why I loved this show so much. And I don't know if or when I'll be able to do a marathon - it took me 3 years for Buffy - but I will miss the Girls so much. I will miss Stars Hollow and Luke and Babette and Miss Patty and Mrs. Kim and maybe even Taylor and Kirk a little bit. I will miss Emily and Richard, Paris and Doyle, Lane and Zach, Sookie and Jackson. But I think I'll miss the cast the most and the way they brought these characters to life. I will miss being just as outraged at Lauren not getting any nods as I was when SMG didn't. I will miss being constantly wowed by Edward Herrmann and Kelly Bishop. And I know many people have problems with Alexis but I never really have so I'll miss her, too. Especially the dynamic between her and Lauren. If they didn't work, the show wouldn't have worked.

    I'll be over at the bar, getting drunk and serenading the cast with "I Will Always Love You".
  • tv: gilmore girls

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