i always wanted brothers like that

Feb 27, 2007 09:04

February sort of kind of pretty much sucked. I don't want to be negative Nancy because there's really good tv to discuss and that's so much more important than life but I had every intention of actually keeping my resolution and posting more. But the apartment has proved tricky for many, many reasons but the most important would be the lack of ( Read more... )

tv: heroes, tmi: life

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Comments 12

_jems_ February 27 2007, 16:50:21 UTC
I never watch the promos (well, VM ones sometimes, but I lay off them a while back and I'm much saner for it) and if your reactions are any indication I think it's best to just eschew them altogether.

I had heard rumblings about that Heroes event, you know, The One That Must Not Be Mentioned, but I've heard other stuff too, so I'm still hopeful it's not as bad as it seems (i.e. she's leaving anyway).

As for The Black Donnellys, I still haven't watched the new ending, even though I've had it available to me for weeks now, but if you want to see the original ending featuring The Arcade Fire you can find it here. Everyone I know who saw that one first says it's superior, but it may actually depend on which one you watch first.

I was kind of hoping for a long drawn-out period of UST, but I can see how they might not think they'll be getting more than just the half-season and don't want to leave fans hanging.

Also, in case you don't want to cap, I've capped the pilot, though not very thoroughly. I'm definitely holding out for the DVD ( ... )


heather13 February 27 2007, 17:39:39 UTC
Tlace has been kind enough to upload the unaired pilot for me so I can see that, as well. I've heard it's even better and how could anyone be against something being better?

She's leaving? Cool. Thank you. I feel less annoyed by her already.

Hopefully, the show will be renewed and they can do more with the UST next year.

Yay, caps! I should have known that you'd be on top of it :) Thanks!


_jems_ February 27 2007, 17:44:18 UTC
The ending sequence is probably good anyway, but seeing it for the first time with the music building like that is really something, I gotta tell you.

I'm not sure if she's really leaving, but I've heard that too, so I'm not giving up hope yet.

I don't mind RST, but I do hope the UST returns if that's the case. And I can think of plenty of different ways to do, even when I'm not trying all that hard.

I think there are tons of caps out there, and I think someone on my flist even set up a site. Now, if I could only remember who...


lepapillon February 27 2007, 17:15:17 UTC
Oh dear, life really has been treating you rough. I can't believe dental insurance covers so little! How fair is that?

Down with Simone. I want her to stay dead!!


heather13 February 27 2007, 17:42:30 UTC
I'm always so glad to see someone else disliking Simone. Seriously, what purpose does she serve???

Yeah, February just mocked me constantly. I do not understand dental insurance. They tell me it's cosmetic and won't cover it but the dentist tell me they won't just leave a hole there so I have to get the implant. Which one is it??? GRR


maggiesox February 27 2007, 17:16:35 UTC
Don't even START ME on the Promos for next week's BD, because ARE YOU KIDDING ME, SHOW? Honestly, I'm just hoping that it happens and then some massive wrench gets thrown in the middle of it all just to make Tommy's life, you know, more difficult and tragic, because seriously.

For what it's worth, if every episode of Heroes was like last night's episode, I might reconsider my slightly annoyed but mostly ambivalent stance on that show.


heather13 February 27 2007, 17:45:00 UTC
I always say the more difficult and tragic, the better! I have to assume that the T/J storyline will go bad. He can't be happy yet. Not with her, especially. So I expect angst on top of angst on top of more angst. YAY!

You sound exactly like my boy. He has been more annoyed by the show than anything (especially the commercials) but last night, he was actually very impressed and happy with it. Maybe I'm easy to please because I just love it.


sweet_ali February 28 2007, 03:03:57 UTC
Hey girlie! I was wondering what happened to you after you asked about beta-ing. And bah, I wish you had just been busy :(

So far, the cost has been $2475. Insurance covered $200 for the tooth pulling. WOW.

Ugh. Insurance is truly the biggest ass-raping industry. Strangely enough, my sister went through all this dental trauma during February as well(she hasn't been to a dentist since before she was pregnant with Paige) and the costs just keep piling and piling. I keep thinking I should've been a dentist, but I have a weird thing about having my hands in other people's mouths... ;)

I spent the weekend rewriting Tee's fic and will hopefully spend this weekend recreating the end of MSS. And I have that shit backed up every where now.OH GOD PAIN! When my first laptop completely crapped out on me and I lost the opening chapter to a story I was writing(and i had got the opening just perfect too!), i could NOT touch it for at least a year, so good for you for being able to jump back on both those horses. I still have the unfinished ( ... )


heather13 February 28 2007, 17:01:07 UTC
Your icon? IS SO AWESOME.

Dental insurance is ridiculous. I'm like I'm so glad I pay for it when wait I still have to PAY FOR IT!!! This whole experience has just been GRRR on a constant basis.

and i had got the opening just perfect too!That is the absolute worst ( ... )


sweet_ali March 1 2007, 17:22:12 UTC
You might get Tee's fic before MSS but thanks!

Looking forward to whatever comes :)

OH and thank you for the Valentine's gifty. That was too sweet of you :)

Hee, you are very welcome.

I think because my expectations were kind of low and I didn't expect to like it and it really did turn out in a way I didn't expect, I liked that.

Oh, I don't think my expectations were high, especially since I knew Paul Haggis was behind it and I'm not really a fan of him. It just didn't work for me for a bunch of reasons. But, like I said, I definitely want to give it another shot since usually the pilot is different than the series.

It's my new Buffy. I just love it (too much, probably) and I don't want to be negative. But, for me, there really isn't anything negative to say.Well, finding negatives or just spending time analyzing it doesn't mean I don't love it. I did that plenty with Buffy(still do) and with movies that are my favorites(you should see what I could do to Say Anything...), but this doesn't mean I don't think it's awesome. If a ( ... )


fishsanwitt February 28 2007, 04:50:11 UTC
::hugs:: for all the crap.


heather13 February 28 2007, 17:01:48 UTC
*right back at you* Sorry to read that you had a rough day, as well. Hope that you are feeling better.


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