i always wanted brothers like that

Feb 27, 2007 09:04

February sort of kind of pretty much sucked. I don't want to be negative Nancy because there's really good tv to discuss and that's so much more important than life but I had every intention of actually keeping my resolution and posting more. But the apartment has proved tricky for many, many reasons but the most important would be the lack of internet. You could maybe get online for about 2 minutes before it died on you so it became too frustrating so I stayed away from it completely until D. fixed it. And it seems like he has although he still doesn't think he has. And I want nothing to do with it.

I got my tooth pulled. That was a blast. I looked like The Godfather on one side of my face for days. It came out in six pieces, they drilled down into the jaw bone and tried to put the screw in but the bone wasn't good enough so they grafted that and sewed me up now I have to wait until May when they'll re-drill and put the screw in and then that's about a 4-6 month wait of healing and the titanium melding with the bone. So far, the cost has been $2475. Insurance covered $200 for the tooth pulling. WOW. Thanks. Really. They estimate that the tooth itself will be $1000-1500. I couldn't possibly cry over this anymore than I have. I'm literally hemorrhaging money. Not cool.

I still haven't received the Jeep. He also wanted more money. And I did finally call my mother after 3 weeks of not hearing from her. We had a huge fight and things were said and there was a lot of screaming and crying and I have never screamed at my mother like I did that day. I was so hurt and mad and sad and everything and really nervous about getting my tooth pulled (why I called her on the day I was getting it done is one for the shrinks). But we're good now.

I have been working on a fic for tlace that was supposed to be a XMAS present but it's turned less into a ficlet and more into an actual fic. I was almost done, I had already asked sweet_ali to beta that and the last chapter of MSS and things were looking good. I kept it on a flash drive so I could bring it to work or use the laptop or my computer. It just made life easier. So I was using the laptop and had it in there, working on it when D. comes home and I start making dinner so he takes the computer to work on the wacky internet and he balances it on the arm of the sofa. Then does something - I'm not even sure what because I'm sitting in the chair watching him saying "I don't think you should balance it on the arm" - when it, of course, crashes to the ground. Lots of swearing from him and he's like "Good thing it's a Durabook!" and he puts it onto the couch and I'm looking at it and I'm like "Where's the flash?" And he looks down and he's like "uh oh" and he picks it up off the floor and it's split open and the little plug in thing is broken off and I just start crying because no, I did not back up the fic of 30 pages and 15,000 words. No, I did not back up the end of MSS. He tries to comfort me and I'm just not having it so he gets mad at me and THROWS the flash. Like it's not bad enough he just broke it but then he throws it? I ran into the bedroom, slammed the door and just kept yelling for him to shut up as he's going on and on about he feels bad enough and he doesn't need me to make him feel worse which SHUT UP! This is not about you in any way. How do they do that? How do they turn it around so that you feel badly about something you didn't do? Grr. Whatever.

So we looked into fixing it - or at least getting the data off the chip but the initial cost of $1500 made me choke. Then we got $400 and the Geek Squad sort of laughed at me and was like did you run this over? D. was going to send it to the $400 place but I said no. We need to eat and pay rent and do all that good stuff and that would just be silly. I spent the weekend rewriting Tee's fic and will hopefully spend this weekend recreating the end of MSS. And I have that shit backed up every where now.

OMG TV!!!@!@!@!

I think this may be my new favorite. I just really appreciate what Tim's doing. That he actually chooses to focus on a plot and stick with it. To recognize that Claire/HRG are extremely important to the show and devote the entire hour to them. Not to bring in Nikessica or Nathan or even acknowledge the Peter/Isaac/Simone (BUH-BYE USELESS) stuff. Just because you have 15 other actors doesn't mean you have to shove them in there so they get a pay check. I think Tim seems to understand this and it thrills me to no end.

Um, what happened to Eric Roberts? Ghah.

I really loved the black and white flashbacks. I'm not at all surprised that George Takei is in the whole thing. That does beg the question of what was his deal with Hiro, then? Was he aware of what Hiro could do and wanted to keep an eye on him in Japan? Or was he hiding Hiro same as HRG was hiding Claire? He doesn't seem like a big old softie like Bennet (and who would have thought that would be the case???) so I think whatever company he owns is just another front for this organization.

Claire rocks. End of story. I think Hayden does a fabulous job with her. I'm so glad she's moved on from pole dancing with Paris Hilton and she's actually cementing a name for herself by using talent.

I kind of think Bennet is HOT. That's not wrong, right?

And Christopher Eccleston. Although the beard really does wonders for him. Ever since "Shallow Grave" and his crazy ass in that movie, I have adored him.

If you haven't seen the promos for next week's Heroes and do not want to know about it, don't read this paragraph!!
I'm going to complain about promos and NBC. Twice. But first I'll deal with this show and I was so full of joy and psyched that Simone got shot. Beyond thrilled. Nothing against the actress who is very pretty and reminds me a little of Gina Torres which is never a bad thing in my book but she is useless. Like the most useless character on any show, ever. So I was beyond excited because in one week I got Simone being shot and Charlie on Lost being handed a death notice from Desmond (WHEEEE!). So what do the promo guys decide to do? Show her. Alive. Talking. Pointing at her bloody shirt and saying "What are you going to do? Shoot me again?" OMG NOOOOOOOO! Why? Why? If they plan on making her interesting, fine. But I liked it so much better when she was dead. I'm actually surprised they didn't show WHO Linderman is. For Christ sakes, NBC! Stop it. You're killing your own shows and momentum!

Okay, I'm done

LOVE. I wasn't too sure and I was only going to check it because I feared for my life if I didn't (hi, tlace!). D. wasn't at all interested but we were both pretty wired from Heroes (which he finally is starting to like) and wow. It is everything The Departed could have been and should have been but fell short of and I actually did like that movie but in an hour, I got a real sense of the characters, especially Tommy.

I think the show would have been just okay if they didn't go in the direction they went in, which is a huge surprise to me. How often do they actually have the protagonist end up becoming the head of the mob? And killing someone with what looked to be a railroad spike? (DUDE!!!) I just thought it was pretty fucking great. Hopefully, it will remain as good.

And did I mention Snow Patrol? Because EEEEEEE!!!! That's the sound I make when filled with geeker joy. I know they're becoming a staple for musical montages in dramas but whatev. I still love them.

I will watch this again when I get home and I will download and do caps because I have a feeling that I will be iconing the hell out of it. Pretty new show!!!

I'm reading the boards at tv.com and NBC and I'm surprised by some of the negative comments - not that the show stinks or anything - everyone has an opinion but the fact that people are insulted by the potrayal of Irish Americans. Hmm...I'm Irish and Italian - two of the most stereotypical nationalities you could have in you (my grandfather, bless his heart, has called me his little ginny girl my entire life) - and I gotta say in no way am I insulted. It is what it is, people. I don't think the show is saying every single Irish and Italian is in the mob. Every Irishman loves a good beer and a potatoe and every Italian loves pasta. There IS a conflict between the two. There has been for a very long time, especially here in Boston, and I'm going to go out on a limb and say definitely in New York where the show takes place.

Tommy doesn't end up killing Huey and Sal because he's Irish and that's what they do - he does it for his brothers, he does what he believes he must to keep his family alive. He's not happy about his choice - he's not going to go skipping through the daisies any time soon - but it's the choice he has made because he's human and flawed and loves his brothers not because every Irish person wants to be in or is in the mob. Good lord.

And also? The show? Not so much with being racist against the Irish. Because Irish? NOT A RACE! Thnx. This line: "The Irish have always been the victims of negative stereotype. I mean people think we're all drunks and brawlers, and sometimes that gets you so mad, all you want to do is get drunk and punch somebody" is a joke! And it's funny.

Look, Southie scares the shit out me. I had a thing happen to me there when I was about 13 and a little too tanned in the summer and I have pretty much refused to go back there unless I have to. I don't even like driving through Southie. It can be a scary place where bad things go down. The Irish don't like the Italians. The Italians don't like the Irish. They both don't like a whole slew of other nationalities. It is the way that it is around here. It's not pretty but it's not unrealistic and I think the show did a really good job with it.

Warning: Promo Rant, part 2

Okay, part of what made tonight great was the scene between Tommy and Jenny at the elevator. We all know they'll get together eventually but the how, when, where, why is the reason why we get invested. So when they take away what the creators of the show started to build in one hour (!!! I'm really impressed by this for some reason) by showing Tommy and Jenny in bed and Tommy telling her he loves her, it makes me want to stick a railroad spike in their collective heads. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU???!?!?!?

Done, again.

I am starving. It's only 11.

tv: heroes, tmi: life

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