Merlin Girl!Recs!

Feb 23, 2009 15:29

So I finally had time to put this post together, and it's turned into a bit of a monster. *g* Hopefully you all will indulge me, pleaseandthankyou (especially you HP folks. ♥) It's just, I rarely see any rec lists for the girls on the show, so there are quite a few links here. I'm thinking of adding to it as I keep reading more. And I'm such a multishipper for this fandom it's not even funny, so there's lots of squee throughout.

I don't even know why I love this show so much, but it's cracky and amazing and I can't wait for the new season. It's not the most well-written thing you'll ever watch, but it manages to be both ridiculous and awesome at once. I can't explain it, you just have to watch. I DO have some issues with it, more than a few actually, but even that's fun for discussion purposes. And this isn't a meta post so I won't get into that. This post is all about the love. And what makes Merlin so very ripe for fandom stuff are the characters and how much sheer potential they all have. The writers give us the most lovely character moments and then basically leave them completely open for fleshing-out. And people have stepped up to the plate in some amazing and inspiring ways. Hence the recs.

Quick note before I start: In no way are these all the fics I've read, and they're definitely not all the ones I liked. And many of the authors here have written other fics that you should definitely check out as well. XD Also, I know there's probably TONS of stuff I missed that was written before I watched the show (which would be just after Christmas), or just stuff I might've overlooked, and so if anyone reading this knows of some great fics with any of these pairings, link me! I want more. *g*


Quick note about these two. I can't exactly not mention them in a multiship manifesto, can I? If Merlin fandom is a body of water, Merthar is the biggest ship on it. The S.S. Merthar, if you will. It's an aircraft carrier. Or, maybe it's not a ship at all; maybe it's like, Greenland, or the Marianas trench, or that massive aggregate of Ziploc bags and old cell phones that's floating somewhere between China and Washington state. It's huge, is what I'm getting at. And, really, if you haven't been able to find any A/M fic before now, I'm not sure I can help you. XD But there really is some lovely fic out there, and lots of rec lists focusing on them. The community to watch is merlinxarthur, but be warned, it's very active. I'm going to focus my recs on the other pairings in the fandom that I like, and add to this list as I start catching up on Merlin/Arthur. I haven't read one in a while, is all.


I've never had a femmeslash OTP before. BUT THESE TWO. *flail* It's ... they're just so easy to slash! It's practically canon, and frankly it's hard to believe at this point that their epic love could ever fall apart because of something as pesky as 'Arthurian legend'. They're completely devoted to each other, and Gwen's the only person who accepts Morgana for exactly who she is, the only person who really knows her. AND SHE BRINGS HER FLOWERS. And she is sometimes in Morgana's rooms in the middle of the night. Even though she has a house of her own. I'M NOT SAYING ANYTHING; I'M JUST SAYING.

So, yes. OTP. On to the recs:

Community to join: gwenmorganabbc (this is actually for ALL the women of camelot and their het, slash and gen adventures). And for stuff more focused on each girl, there's thefuturequeen and morganafay.

Out of all the rarer pairings on the show, this might be the one that has the most fic. Needs moar, though. *g*

Boys & Girls by penknife | rated R | If either of them were a boy, it might all be even stranger. Or not. " Set after 1x5 "Lancelot," with spoilers through 1x10 "Moment of Truth." | So much love for this one. Penknife writes the best Gwen I've seen, and she's taken a femslash cliche and turned it on its head. It's not only funny and hot, it's a great character study of both Gwen and Morgana

Remember Me As A Time Of Day by such_heights | rated PG13 | In an open field, under a morning sky, two women sleep. Future!Fic. | Man, this is amazing. Just go read it. This is one you don't have to even watch the show to understand if you're familiar with the legend.

Chores by stealstheashes | rated PG13 | Drawing Morgana's baths had always been one of Gwen's favorite chores. Vaguely spoilery, but it could slip into any point in the series. | Perfect Gwen/Morgana dynamic, and really subtly sexy.

In Places Not Betrayed by takadainmate | rated R-ish | Post episode 12. Morgana bathes and Gwen worries. | This was really nicely done, a great example of how much they love each other even though there are so many things between them that the other can't understand.

What Might Have Been Lost by jengrrl | rated PG13 | There is, after all, a reconciliation. Future!fic | Another one that you don't have to watch the show to get. It's lovely and so sad, and the author paints the scene wonderfully.

In omne tempus by giddygeek | rated R | The maids of the castle come to Morgana with their eyes cast down and their fingers twisting nervously in the rough linen of their aprons. No specific spoilers. | This was amazing. A really clever premise, wonderfully written, sexy, and perfectly characterized.

We Will Be by impertinence | rated R | Morgana and Gwen fall in love. And then there's a slug. Spoilers through the last ep. | A longer fic, of which there are few for this pairing, and I loved every word. The characterizations are spot on and I love how she develops the ship around Morgana as she learns to deal with her powers.

Before We Get Much Older by ficbyzee | rated R | Gwen and Morgana grow up. Spoilers for Merlin 1x3, 1x4 and 1x12. | Another longer fic with Gwen and Morgana's slowly-developing relationship that I really liked.

Her Lady's Maid by gnimaerd | rated R | Set during 1x12, Gwen and Morgana take care of each other. | This reads almost like a missing moment in the series, and it fills in a hole that I think a lot of people were wondering about after the events of 1x12. It's also really well-characterized for the both of them.

Gather Beds Of Roses by b_hallward | rated PG | Throughout the honey-slow year Gwen brings her mistress flowers--yellow jonquils, pale wild roses, profusions of humble wildflowers. | Flower!Fic FTW! Seriously, there can't be Gwen/Morgana without some flower!fic. IT'S WHO THEY ARE. And this one, it's really short, but packs a hell of a punch in terms of sweetness, great characterization, and some of that angst that's inherent in this pairing when you look at the big picture. Just perfect.

Nightmares by glimmergirl | rated R | Morgana loved Gwen. Loved her in the exhilarating, frightening way she had never loved anyone else. | This one's SO lovely, and it's almost exactly how I picture them on the show.

turning in revolutions by fiercynn | rated R | They were so different. In moments of weakness, under the cloak of darkness, Gwen let her mask slide out of place; Morgana only drew it in tighter, taking a kind of refuge in secrecy that Gwen could neither understand nor approach. | Another longish fic, with plot and perfect pacing and perfect Gwen and Morgana voices.

The Missing Piece by zvi_likes_tv | One night, when Morgana was young, she said to Uther, "Did you know my mother?" | rated worksafe | Short!fic. Nice, subtle Morgana voice and a really neat take on her maternity.

nobody speaks a word you hear by cf33 | rated R | Every morning, Morgana wakes up at dawn to the sound of voices coming from the practice grounds below her window, early enough that she can barely hold her eyes open. | This was fabulous -- hot, sweet, perfect characterisations. I love the push and pull between Gwen and Morgana.

Just This Before the Rain by riparian_this | rated R | The air is damp and heavy, filled with the promise of cooling rain rolling in on swollen, cumulous clouds, looming just overhead, plunging the castle grounds into faded grey, making the earth and stone smell rich and wet and alive. | Another short!fic. Er, run, don't walk, and read this one. GUH. I think I've been back to read it again like four or five times.

Arthur/Gwen (or Guinevere)

Those of you who know me will be thinking "...a canon ship? You? DOES NOT COMPUTE." I know. Believe me. But this just might be one of the most well-written dynamics on the show. Apart from the fact that we know it will be, it isn't even a ship at this point, but there's something so compelling about the way they interact. They're not in love yet, not even close; they're just noticing each other, and surprising each other in little ways. And despite their different stations, there are common threads between them that separate them from Merlin and Morgana just a bit. I could talk about it for a lot longer but I won't, cause I promised recs and not rambly meta. *g* If the writers continue to develop it very slowly like they are, it could be seriously beautiful. And when Arthur says her full name like no one else does, I kind of get all squidgy. So ... yeah.

Community to join: camelot_love

There aren't as many recs in this bit, because there's just not a lot of fic for them yet (actually, I seem to have incidentally listed these pairings in descending order of how much fic there is for them). Which is a shame from where I'm sitting, but there you have it. Most of the Arthur/Gwen recs I've listed are pre-watershed (or like, just barely watershed), because that happens to be how I like them for now -- they didn't get enough screentime on the show so I really love fics that sort of extend that canon and give them more moments. If you do have some good smut you want to rec me, uh, YES PLEASE.

Sometimes I forget I'm still awake by paperclipbitch | rated PG | “My promise still stands,” Arthur adds. Spoilers through 1x12. | One of my favorites. :D

Swimming by crumpeteer | rated PG | Arthur accidentally runs into Gwen while swimming with some surprising results. Spoilers through 1x13. | This captures perfectly just how adorable these two are.

Interpose by mardia | rated PG | interpose: to step in between two parties at variance. Future!fic. Spoilers through 1x13. | It's hard to find really well-written Guinevere and she's lovely in this one.

Counsel by kepp0xy | rated PG | Gwen returns to Morgana's rooms to find Arthur, who is in need of some advice. Future!fic. Spoilers through 1x13. | Great Arthur/Gwen dynamic, it feels like a missing scene from the show.

All of These Other Flaws Will Lead To Mine by little_giddy | rated PG13 | We did what was required of us, and it's abandoned us to Hells of our own devising. Future!fic. Warning: major character death. | This was heartbreaking, and you don't even have to be familiar with the show to appreciate it if you know the legend at all. Anyway, I'm a sucker for future fics in which Arthur and Gwen actually love each other. This fandom breaks my heart on a daily basis; you'll notice a lot of future fic that will do this to you. And you may find yourself liking it.

Changes by iliana-1 | rated PG | Future!fic. | This one's slightly AU in that Gwen doesn't know how to fight, but it's a collection of really lovely moments between her and Arthur.

An Ancient Tale May Later Words Retell by 01100100 | Rated R | There are many untrue stories about Camelot. This could be one of them. | Loved this one. Long, plotty, with perfect characterizations, and it manages to get the Arthur/Gwen dynamic right without sidelining anyone; all four characters were so well-written. Must warn for ouchiness, though.

Truce by zauberer_sirin | rated R | Prompt: swordfight. | Reccing this for the Gwen. I loved Gwen in this, and Arthur's reactions to her were spot on.

We Are Born as We Are by saint-seducing | rated PG | AU. At ten she'd been abnormally shy, her fingers pressed hard into clay and dirt, but her Mother's voice like water in her head. | I love the author's writing style, and the dynamic between Arthur and Gwen over time is spot on. Very sad (yet hopeful), character-driven piece. Said author has written two others, also lovely, so check those out too. :D


The closest thing to currently existing ship canon on the show, and it's unrequited. LOL. But, my goodness, they are the cutest thing to grace my screen in a long time. My heart melts when they're onscreen together; there's something so innocent about them, and I like the lovely little character moments the writers slip in along the way to illustrate how their friendship grows. They'd do anything for each other at this point, whether or not it's romantic. Also, Gwen is so cute I can't stand it. Her shyness, her foot-in-mouth disease, the way she looks after him and is considerate of him in ways that Morgana and Arthur aren't (just because there are things they haven't been raised to consider), all of it. Gets me every time. And Merlin's so lovably dense about it all, which makes for a great dynamic. The two of them are just love, and in the world of fanfic, of course it could develop into more. So:

Community to watch: merlingwen

Not too many of these out there. *sad* I would LOVE more recs if you have them, I don't care if you wrote it yourself, or what. :P

Garden Ground by significantowl | rated G | The fever burned him up as it burned itself out, leaving only ash behind, cold and dry and shifting. | Aw man, the phrasing and the setting and the characterisations, they just pull you right in, and it just captures the innocence of these two.

Night Piece by significantowl | rated G | It begins when their nights are once more their own, and neither Gwen nor Merlin sleep. Spoilers for 1x13. | I know, two from the same author, but whatever. *g* You shouldn't miss either of them.

Snow by gnimaerd | rated G | Fluffy little piece about Gwen and Merlin walking from the town to the castle on a snowy day. | Utter adorableness.


Okay, HOT. Right? I'm just saying. They're insanely hot people. How can you not imagine them getting busy? And the show seems to take pains in the beginning to point out that Arthur and Morgana are Not Related. Srsly, it's all the time "Hey, Morgana, how's life treating you as the King's ward? And by ward, I mean Not Arthur's Sister. You know -- ward. Ward, ward, ward." Knowing that, it's not exactly a stretch to assume they might be angling for something to happen between them on camera. There was definitely some UST happening between them in the beginning of the series, and they're adorable with their banter. Personally I doubt it goes any further in canon, but it's still a very nice thing to imagine, and to read. Because, well. HOT. Is what I'm trying to say.

Community to watch: herchampion

Again, I would LOVE more recs; I know there's some stuff I'm missing here. It's one of the bigger het ships in the fandom so there must be more than this. :P Still, here are two I loved:

Slow Awakening by irony_rocks | rated NC-17 | 'Morgana Le Fay, they call you. In the books, in the history yet to come. And Morgana Le Fay is never meant to be Queen.' Spoilers thrhough 1x13. | This is nice and long and fairly epic as far as I'm concerned. Arthur and Morgana are fabulous in it, and it's also a nice character study on Morgana herself, taking a direction I sincerely wish were possible in canon. Hell, maybe it is.

Your Mouth Is Lovely (Not That I'm Looking) by dollsome | rated R | 'One of the king's knights has got it bad for Morgana, and Arthur thinks it's hilarious.' | Ahahaha. Perfect snippet of the Arthur/Morgana we see in canon. The author makes you feel like you're watching the show almost, and Arthur's just so ... HIM, about it all.

Stonewalled by falseeyelashes | rated R | in his more self-pitying moments, arthur would imagine that he should feel grateful these sort of things only happen once, that he should be grateful morgana only happened once. | I just loved this. The author has a kind of minimalist style that really works with the story, and it's just full of the tension that's wonderful to read between Arthur and Morgana. Also, angst. Lovely, lovely angst.

This Earthly Fire by fried-flamingo | rated R | It is summer when she comes to Camelot. Spoilers for the series. | This one pulled me in from the first passage; the writing is gorgeous and Morgana is fantastic in it. It's a sad one, though.

Unwritten by gnimaerd | Rated PG-13 | The morning after Morgana rewrites history and creates her own destiny. | I'm a sucker for fics where Morgana defies her destiny and this is a great example of that, even though it's angsty (which goes with the territory).

The Brush of Wildfire by ed-84 | Rated NC17 | She never plans to be here. | Ouchy, but really hot and well-characterized.

Trick Of The Light by calapine | Rated G | Ouch again -- this is so well-written.

Absolute Justice by irony_rocks | Rated NC17 | The more things change, the more things stay the same. In a modern day world when detective Morgana Le Fay returns to Camelot in order to investigate brutal serial killings, she is drawn back into a world of magic, politics, danger, old friends and new foes. AU. | This one's fantastic, I love how true-to-character everyone is, even though they've been transplanted into a different verse.


This is a newer ship for me, but I love it just the same. Obviously they have something pretty major in common, and they're starting to recognise something familiar in each other. They're really kindred spirits, and they're at a point in their relationship and on the show, I think, where they could either come together or fly violently apart. It's going to be fascinating, knowing what happens in most versions of the original legend, to see where the show takes them. And, shallowly, they're too damn pretty together not to ship.

Community to join: infide_manentia

At the risk of being repetitive, um, moar recs please. *g*

The Sole of Our Shoes Are All Worn Down by hariboo_smirks | rated PG-13 | It makes sense that Morgana finds out first. Of course, it makes it messier when Arthur does. | This is more friendship than anything, but there are definitely shippy touches throughout, and it's just a lovely fic.

It Will Tear Us Apart by hariboo_smirks | rated NC-17 | It is not love, for love is dangerous creature that not even magic can control. Future!fic. | This was amazing and really intense and broke my heart a little.

Crooked Heart by shantirosa | rated R | Fate makes for difficult choices, and difficult goodbyes. Set in the not-so-distant future. | Really heartbreakingly plausible. And beautifully written.

Untitled Merlin/Morgana PWP by allothi | rated NC17 | "I didn't know," he says, "that you foresaw that." | This one's just plain hot. Magic!sex, all that. Yum.

Untitled by fortassetu | Rated R | Just when he thought he knew him, it all changed. | This was heartbreaking, but lovely.

Tumble Blind by blincolin | rated NC17 | she doesn’t dream about Merlin. | Smutty-McSmut. Good smut, though. Hot and well-characterised.


Ohhh, man. Anthony Stewart Head and Katie McGrath, they make my screen explode with pretty. And there's this tension between them; it's thick and it HAS to be intentional, and it's been present from the first. Their dynamic is really very strange; while she grew up with Arthur, Uther seems to treat her more like an equal than he does Arthur, and some of his scenes with her feel downight domestic. Sometimes I don't know what the show's trying to achieve with that, but there are some very adult dynamics at work between them, stemming from the promise Uther made to her father and continuing through Morgana's increasingly violent opposition to Uther's tactics. And there are some moments toward the end of the series when they clash, and man, talk about intense. It's a really intriguing, possibly very wrong ship, but it's one of my ships nonetheless. XD (Also, as the show is wont to remind us time and time again, they're Not Related. So bring it on.)

Community to watch: kingandward

While the pairing intrigues me, I've not been able to find much fic. Recs would be appreciated!

A Dish Best Served by shantirosa | rated NC-17 | commentfic for the prompts 'Uther/Morgana, goblet, dining table' | Nnngh. So wrong and yet so so right.

The Ending So Near, Our Start Close Behind by nekomitsu | rated R | future fic in which Morgana dreams of the king's death. Several times. | This was dark and really lovely.

As Pleasures Are Wont by phantomjam | Rated R | Morgana's visions, like her desires, are tangled things. | Just as a character piece on Morgana, it's fabulous, and when you add in her desire for Uther, woven through her dreams, this one's a gem.

Amour Courtis by shetiger | Rated NC17 | Uther is plagued by regrets after his day's trial, and sleep does not come easy. Especially when Morgana looks in on him. 3500 words, post-Excalibur | It seems like the Uther/Morgana dynamic would be hard to get right, and the author does, and the smut is really believable and in-character.

The Last Beautiful Thing by shantirosa | Rated NC-17 | Uther wakes up trapped in a prison with no doors. Ten years later, he gets out. | Er, Uther/Morgana long!fic (23,997 words worth), really doesn't need any more advertisement than that, methinks. AU. Author warns for dark themes, graphic violence, graphic sexual content, dubious consent, and character death.


So this is the natural solution if you ship everyone, right? The dynamic between Arthur, Merlin, Morgana, and Gwen and all combinations thereof is so awesome, it's a pleasure to watch it unfold as the series goes on. And so it feels almost natural that there'd be some OT3/OT4 love developing. Why choose? ;)

Community to join: merlin_ot4 There's not a lot out there yet but there are a few gems. Some of the best Merlin fics for me are the ones where everyone's just kind of navigating the massive amounts of romantic confusion swirling around the show. If you know of anything good you'd recommend, link plz. XD This is another category where I just KNOW there's some I'm missing.

Don't Be Sorry by sparky77 | rated PG | At least I never crawl into bed with you when I have nightmares.
| This has little glimpses of nearly every possible pairing, and it's in Arthur's POV, which is nice, and his voice is great in it.

No More Yielding by such_heights | rated PG13 | The first burst of snow fell on Camelot all day | I would call this OT4, but it probably focuses on Gwen/Morgana and Merlin/Arthur. There's something about it, though, that feels really cohesive between them all. I love how the mood shifts from playful to intense.

I'd Agree With You If You Were Right by little_giddy | rated PG13 | Set post-1x10, 'The Moment of Truth.' Gen. Arthur and Morgana didn't quite sort out his disapproval of women fighting in Ealdor. That happens back in Camelot and unsurprisingly, Merlin and Gwen get caught in the middle. | This is kind of cheating because it's almost gen, but when I read it, I just think 'OMG OT4 AWW'. So.

Entanglement by gnimaerd | rated PG13 | A morning spent in Morgana's chambers. | I love this one, or any fic that has the awesome foursome all in a pile. It's sleepy and lovely and well-characterized.

First night by penknife | rated PG13 | The King is dead. Long live the King. | This is an OT3 fic actually; Arthur/Gwen with hints of Arthur/Gwen/Merlin. It's so quietly angsty and the author conveys a lot of emotion and characterisation in not many words.

The Wrath of Grapes by penknife | rated PG13 | Four times alcohol failed to solve Merlin's problems (and one time it did.). | Another one of those fics that's not so much all-in-a-pile as the four of them sort of dancing around each other. And there is Lancelot. Main pairings are Arthur/Merlin and Gwen/Morgana, but as the author told me in a comment, the real pairing here is 'Everyone/Their romantic confusion.' Just my kind of fic. *g*

Four Kisses by thedeadparrot | rated PG13 | Spring comes, and the snow begins to melt, and the trees begin to bud. Future!fic. | This one's a Yuletide fic that I was happy to've stumbled on. OT4 at it's finest, though it's definitely got some angst, and I like the unflinching way the author writes each character, showing both the good and the not-so-good things we love about them.

You held the world by netgirl-y2k | Rated G | “Merlin, I order you to throw food at Morgana!” | D'awww, this one's SO perfect.

The Ink Still Drying by lassiterfics | Rated R | Futurefic in which Merlin begins to remember the future, Morgana reaches for her destiny, Arthur is kind of dense, and Gwen isn't an idiot. | This wins on so many levels. It's more multi-pairing (Arthur/Merlin, Arthur/Gwen, and lots of Merlin/Morgana) than the four of them together but this was the only category I could think to put it in.

Quarter-View by black-eyedgirl | Rated R | It is different, now that there are four of them, and not only two. | This fic is one of the first OT4 ones to be written, but I've only just stumbled on it recently. *g* It's SO good; it really captures how beautiful, and complicated, the four of them are together.

Straw and Oak by briar-pipe | Rated R | Gwen says it with flowers. | Right, so I'll say right now that I don't ever want the flower!fics to stop. I'm just saying. This was lovely.


Like I said before, there's so much room in the fandom to flesh out characters, so there's naturally some awesome gen floating around. It's kind of scattered all over throughout many communities and journals, so I know there's lots I've not yet read, but I'd say the community to watch for it is merlingen. I would love to read more Arthur and Merlin gen, and Gwen gen is probably my favorite thing to read (maybe just because it's harder to find but also because she's my favorite character), but anyway there're some awesome character explorations out there and I know I still need to catch up on some and flesh out this list.

Mending by penknife | rated G | Fighting's not the only thing worth doing. | Okay, another from this author, I know, but when I said she writes my favorite Gwen I'm not kidding. :P This is Gwen and Morgana gen, and it's lovely.

A Taste For Steel by lassiterfics | rated G | Eight facts about a girl and her sword.| Awesome look at Morgana and how she relates to Arthur and Gwen.

The Trade In Tears by prochytes | rated G | There is a right way and a wrong way of doing things. | Short, really nice look at Uther here. Also starring Morgana.

Her Father's Daughter by shantirosa | rated G | Morgana was a difficult child, and Uther Pendragon was a difficult man. | As a a glimpse into their relationship and the origins of it, it's the most perfect fic with the two of them I've read.

Heliotrope by zvi_likes_tv | rated G | It was winter when Gwen's mother died, which was, on the whole, not surprising. Gwen, Morgana. | I can't describe how lovely I thought this was. Gwen was so carefully fleshed out in a way you don't always see, and in such a short fic.

Beltane by astolat | rated G | There is a story that is not told in Ealdor anymore, not for many years now, a story about Beltane Eve. | This one's pretty old, but I only recently found it. *g* It's just brilliant.


It's not even usually my thing. *headdesk* Like, at all. RPF never made sense to me before, until I watched the Merlin Cast video diaries and the DVD commentaries for the episodes. And ... look, it's just hilarious, and awesome, and I can't really explain, you just have to watch. The cast is so pretty, for one thing, and they're living together in France while they're filming and doing all these domestic things like shopping together, and pranking each other and sitting in each other's laps on rollercoasters. IDK. I have massive crushes on all of them, from Angel correcting Bradley's French and him pretty much pulling her pigtails all the time, to Colin and Bradley acting like they're married or something, to Angel and Katie being generally gorgeous together. It's crack, okay? Just. Whatever. Here are some recs (don't worry, not really any technical smut):

Community to watch: merlinrpf

slowly at your own speed by takethewords | rated PG13 | She opens the door after two knocks, hair down and messed about her head, and he holds out the chocolate like a bouquet of roses. | Bradley/Angel.

Obedience is Better Than Sacrifice (or, That One Time Bradley Does as He is Told by Katie) by happenstanc3 | rated PG13 | They are in a foreign country, surrounded by foreign people who speak their foreign language among themselves and go about their foreign lives as always, and it's not like Bradley expected this to be a vacation, but still. | Bradley/Angel.

car sans toi il n’y a pas de chanson by paperclipbitch | rated PG13 | “Arthur and Guinevere get married, you know.” | Bradley/Angel.

We Will Become Silhouettes by moogle62 | rated PG13 | Bradley is not Arthur, Colin is confused and both of them end up in a lake. | Colin/Bradley

First Impressions by gnimaerd | rated PG13 | Angel Coulby's final screen test, in which she is nervous as fuck and intimidated by the supermodel vampire who drags her out for coffee before hand. | Angel/Katie

Jealousy Becomes Her by gnimaerd | rated R | Katie takes a shine to a certain fairy princess; and Angel is not at all pleased. Colin does hilarious things with spoons and Bradley is entirely unhelpful. | Angel/Katie

Untitled by moogle62 | PG13 | Commentfic I stumbled on accidentally the other day whilst seeking it out. Angel/Katie.

Catch Me (Angel/Katie), Costume Change (Colin/Bradley) by glimmergirl | Rated PG13 | Two great ficlets, two great kisses.


And if you like any of these, let the author know! Even the older ones. There's no more pleasant fandom surprise than getting unexpected feedback on a fic you wrote ages ago. *g*

recs, merlin

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