i've no idea what i am talking about

Feb 22, 2009 12:25

* Today's been good. I have nothing planned except to watch the Oscars, so I wouldn't exactly call it exciting, but just ... it's nice not having anything pressure-ful to do. XD

* I caught up with the last ep of Being Human which was AMAZING; seriously, you should all be watching. Only one episode left. And I posted a set of icons from 1x04 that I made last night. It's kind of hard to color those caps, but I found a nice way I think.

* Oh, and my hp_springsmut fic is pwned (why yes, I did finish the fucking in the fic). Two more exchange fics left for this season. I was really tempted by weasleyfest, but I'd already bit off a bit too much with hp_spring_fling and hp_rarities. :( No more doing three and four exchanges at a time. Yeah. I love them, but I've recently realised how nice it is being able to write something just because I want to, rather than just filling a request, so I want to give myself more time to do that.

* Merlin fic! I'm sort of incredibly nervous to start writing in this fandom, but it's really difficult to watch the show and NOT want to write about it. The characters are just so writeable. (And this is apparently the post where I make up words). I did some teenyfics for the Vag Fest, which was fun -- I might do one or two more before it ends today. And I want to try some of the Gen Battle prompts. There are some good Merlin and Harry Potter ones, and that one ends next Friday. Also, I'm tempted to put my hat in for boxofmagic because Arthur/Merlin is nice, but there needs to be more Gwen and Morgana fic, and so few people have signed up to write it. *nods and nudges people* Still, it's a rather huge writing commitment, so I need to think on it more. XD

* I'm off to do some beta work, maybe try another teenyfic, and put together a Merlin squee/rec list out of my del.icio.us bookmarks because I finally have TIME.

♥ Hugs to everyone who need them today -- oh, and hay new friends!

fic exchanges, merlin, being human, random, writing

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