Top Five meme - Answers Part Two

Aug 08, 2009 18:11

Five favourite fics I've read in the last month

1. Born of Magic by gnimaerd, Merlin, OT4
2. royal and important by bossymarmalade, Merlin, Gwen/Morgana
3. Optimist by penknife, ST:XI, Kirk/Spock/Uhura
4. Three Brothers by friendshipper, SGA, Team, AU, Gen
5. Hermione Granger and the Amazing Outfits of Luna Lovegood by likeadeuce, HP, Hermione/Luna

Five books/tv shows/movies I wish had a fandom presence, but don't.

(in other words, what I will be requesting come Yuletide time)

1. The Kushiel books by Jacqueline Carey, because they are fresh in my mind and I loved them and I want Phedre fic. Maybe there is? I can't imagine there's a lot if I've never heard of the fandom before. Anyway. I want Phedre/Melisande and Phedre/Hyacinthe and Phedre/Nicola, and Anafiel/Rolande. I want fic about Alais, and Sidonie, especially Sidonie/Amarante, and Amarante/Mavros, Mavros/Lucius or Imriel/Lucius or Eamonn/Imriel, or or or, like ridiculously rare pairings like Katherine/Roshana or Mavros/anyone else. I could go on. ;) BUT YES, I WOULD LOVE THAT. BUT WITH MORE COURT INTRIGUE AND LESS TRAVELING.

2. Dexter. I want Deb fic! And Maria fic. And Dexter/Doakes hatesex and Dexter/Miguel, erm, hatesex.

3. Legend of the Seeker. It's kind of strange how big a fandom presence Merlin has whilst LotS has barely any. They're pretty similar shows in terms of genre and writing, and they popped up at around the same time. I suspect it's because of the lack of slash potential by comparison, which seems to be the driving force behind most fandoms. But it's such a lovely show, really well-produced and interesting, and pretty. And Kahlan is made of awesome.

4. Big Love. Part of me understands why there's no real fandom presence for this show. Everyone's already married to each other or related, pretty much. (Or they're creepy compound people.) But I would settle for gen! There are so many interesting dynamics at work. And Nikki is so awesome and hilarious and possibly sociopathic and deserves loads of fic. And if someone wrote Sarah/Heather or Ben/Margene I wouldn't be upset, is all I'm trying to say.

5. Mad Men. At least, I haven't heard much about this fandom, or fic for it outside of porn battles. But I'd love Joan fic and Peggy fic.

Least favorite pairings in all fandoms

(this is hard; i don't know if there are many pairings I HATE, so much as just a bunch of pairings I don't particularly ship. :p)

1. Harry/Ginny [HP]
2. Sookie/Sam [True Blood]
3. Edward/Bella [Twilight]
4. Freddie/Effy [Skins]
5. Kirk/Uhura [ST: XI] (It's just ... she is not interested in Kirk. She could not have made that any clearer.)

Favorite Merlin scenes/episodes

1. Gwen brings Morgana flowers. I. Just. ♥

2. Gwen introduces herself to Merlin. And proceeds to make me very, very happy.

3. That time when Morgana and Uther were on screen together and it was like they were married or something. OH WAIT THAT WAS ALWAYS.

4. That scene in Moment of Truth -- you know, that one from the beginning of the episode all the way through to the end? Yeah, that whole thing.

5. That time Merlin used magic in front of God and Everybody and no one noticed. OH WAIT THAT WAS EVERY TIME. <333


(again, this was hard, b/c SO MANY)

1. Guinevere
2. Hermione Granger
3. Teyla Emmagan
4. Nyota Uhura
5. Martha Jones

Top Five Nice Things about My Fandoms

1. HP: I love that HP fandom is so huge and diverse that you can find almost anything you want. It's wanky, or it used to be, but it's also so big that you never have to encounter the wank if you don't want. Also, there are hardly any genres or pairings or characters that don't get written, and HP is the most un-squickable fandom I've ever been in. We've seen and done everything. It's awesome.

2. Merlin: So far most of Merlin fandom is really happy and positive and shiny. There's little wank, and very little fail as long as you stick to LJ. Its smallness is working in its favor, in that regard.

3. Star Trek: I've never seen so much enthusiasm for a fandom explode so quickly. I know that's because the fandom already existed, but it was pretty latent until the reboot. And for the most part, that's exciting and awesome. Also, old-school fans are mostly very welcoming of newbies.

4. SGA: I'm very new to this fandom, but I'd say that the best thing about it is the fanworks. Seriously epic stuff.

5. True Blood: The crack is awesome. No one takes it that seriously, because the show doesn't take itself that seriously. And actually, the GIF of Eric in hair foils is more than enough to land True Blood on this list.

legend of the seeker, merlin, sga, true blood, dexter, fandom, television, memes, hp

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