summer rain is here

May 04, 2010 17:56

Whenever I work on something I have this vision in my head of what I want it to look like.  Except that vision isn't always very clear.  It seems like the farther along I get, the fuzzier the idea gets.  Then when it's done it doesn't look like what I had visioned, except that I still can't figure out what that is.  Does that make sense?  I think that's why I'm not always happy with my work.  I need to find a way to make it clearer in my head first.

I did finish this though, and even if it doesn't look like the picture in my head... I still like it ok.

And I was piddling around on this rainy day and did this...

Yar!!!  Horse pirates we be!!!!!

I was brainstorming ideas for logos/tattoo designs while carriage driving (which is when I do most of my brainstorming).  I'm not so sure I would get it tattooed on myself forever, but... logo?  It needs refining so you know... it actually looks sort of like a horse skull.  But I don't want to make it too detailed because then it gets too morbid.
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