I'm tired from work, but I'm still in a great mood today.
The past few days have been good - got a couple midterms out of the way last week, and had a fab weekend including lots of dancing (until the music stopped at Suite 34!) and flayed minion... mmm.
(Yes, the steak variety. Misspelling intentional.)
In just over a week, I'll be done my midterms, and it'll almost be Reading Week - fun, relaxation, and Montreal! :D
I've decided I'm celebrating anti-valentine's day this year.
Since when is Feb. 14th a "special day" that allows you to show affection? Why that day in particular - what's un-special about any other day of the year?
And how is submitting to consumerism a good way to show affection?
"Hey honey, here's a mass-produced card emblazoned with hearts and flowers! Oh, and I got you some mass-produced heart-shaped chocolates. I love you!"
Ok, it's the thought that counts and all that crap. But they call it Hallmark Day for a reason. I'd rather not.
My store even has valentines COOKIES now, for god's sake. And we have a valentine's promotion next week.
I can't believe even a coffee shop is capitalizing on this huge consumer-oriented drive to "SHOW YOUR LOVED ONES YOU CARE! SPEND MONEY HERE!!!!"
Don't get me wrong - I'm ALL for showing people you care, and I'm all for the celebration of love - I think it's wonderful! I'm definitely the kind of person that thinks up cheesy things, too.
But come on... it's turning into a farce. It's gross. It's not real.
However, anti-valentine's day has many benefits:
-it can be celebrated on any date (preferably other than the 14th of Feb)
-it can be celebrated as many times as you wish each year!
-you don't have to buy anything. Make/write/do/say something. Whatever.
-it's from the heart, not from the mall.
Basically, it's removing the prefabricated, commercialized, impersonal crap, and the "heavenly"-preordained date on which to do it.
Who wants to feel the pressure to go out and buy one of 9000 teddy-and-chocolate sets? That's silly.
I'm excited to create my anti-valentine :D
I'm going to take an amazing, hot shower, and take a wonderful afternoon nap in the sun which just so happens to fall right on my bed :D