Feb 01, 2006 21:36
I had two midterms today - stats and personality... I kind of decided not to go to classes so I could study.
It worked in my favour though. I also got to hang out with Liv for once on campus, which I haven't done since god knows when! Twas good times.
I got home tonight and found a surprise waiting for me : a poster of one of my fave musicals and a sweet note - that definitely made my day. =D
I have a lot of stuff going on/coming up... This Friday is my friend's birthday outing, Saturday I have a special date, next Friday/Sat is the day my mom leaves for Cuba... so potential (low-key) gathering, then the Thursday after that is another birthday outing, Friday I go to Montreal again (I can't wait!), then it's reading week, then over the next couple weeks there's a few more birthdays (including mine!)... this is all including upcoming midterms, assignments, papers I need to start, work 3x/week, and yoga, social life, eating, and sleeping... wow.
I'm pondering getting another job this summer. Maybe as well as Second Cup, maybe instead of... maybe not at all.
The thing is, I really enjoy the people I work with, and I can get great hours, I have seniority, I love the regulars... there's just not much left for me to learn. I could potentially find a higher-paying job somewhere... I've been there a year now. I don't know. It might be good to hold on to it for a while longer though.
It's crazy how much has gone on since the summer. It's been six months since it was August. :)