Truly BeautyFilled and Fabulous! Those are the words that describe the Hafla that I attended last night at White Sands National Monument. This was the big hafla of the year (a Middle Eastern party) where belly dance troups from all over the area as well as drummers meet in the dunes to dance, drum and in my case anyway, to pray. :)
I took with me my girls, Dani's boyfriend and my friend Traci. On the way we watched a huge storm roll in. There was lots of rain and wind and when we got there the dunes were encompassed by this desert monsoon storm. The lightening was stunning. We decided to go on in and see how it went. I admit I was a little bit concerned because part of the road is sand only, but figured there would be enough trucks with tow cables that could pull me out if I got stuck. LOL!
When we entered the sands the storm cleared and by the time we got to the party site people were emerging from their vehicles and putting things back out to party. There was an Awesome double rainbow and then the sun set in Glory! The Beauty is something that is ineffible and certainly words fail to contain the mystery and magic of the moment.
We ate a delicious meal of all kinds of goodies and then the music began. Tree ran and played with her good friends that showed up from Las Cruces (I wasn't sure that they were coming, but it turned out wonderfully) and I drank a nice glass of merlot before joining in the dance. I danced all night and the stars and galaxies emerged over head and I held my arms up to the Mystery of the Moment in Gratitude.
I kept my watchful attention split in my motherly way, but was aided by my community. :) That was truly wonderful.
ms_storylady came with her boyfriend and other moms from my church were there. Together the children were under an attentive eye the whole time, yet I was free to dance and be with the drums, the stars, the clouds and the lightening (which is the making love of the Sky and Earth in the Native Traditions of the Land), knowing that they were safe.
All in all, it was a romantic evening- me in Love with the Universe, the Universe in Love with me. There were a lot of couples that took themselves to the side and shared intimately with each other, and if I had such a situation in my life I'm sure I would have joined them. For now, though, I wait in Patience and Perfect Trust in the Universe, knowing that all my needs will be met in a Perfect Time in a Perfect Way and a Perfect Space.
The night stars here in this land guides me and if you've never experienced the beauty of the sunsets and moonrisings at White Sands you certainly should make time to if you ever come here to visit. It is one of my power spots, that is for sure. And once again, after the dancing on the dunes Power Dreams appear to guide me. ...guess what was the biggest message of them... Patience. LOL!
Blessings to you all!