Webs of Power

Sep 11, 2007 08:44

I just thought about this being 9/11. Thinking back a couple of years. A lot has changed for me in that time. A lot has changed for this country. I am not proud of everything that this country does, particularly internationally, but I do feel good to be from the USA. I am priveleged, I know, and have studied the past and vision for the future. We stand in an unique country that could become so great- not with power and money- as we have in the past, but in a spiritual sense of kinship with the world.

We have a lot that we need to work on to be healthy kin to the peoples of the world, particularly those who have less than we do. We have a lot of spiritual growth to do to move out of the abusive Uncle Sam figure that the US has stood for with his finger pointing down on you... We need to come to a responsible, loving, nurturing kin space of being a sibling that is respectful, interested in listening, not fighting, and learn to share with our other siblings in the world.

How can we do that? Well, I just realized last night that I have 2 copies of Webs Of Power by Starhawk. In this book she talks about becoming spiritual activists and how we can learn from our older siblings- those indegenous people who put the Earth first. She talks about activism right now and how we can counter the NGOs and the global markets that are beyond the law and who could care less about the 7th generation down the road.

You know, to some she and her activists could be framed as "terrorists". They are people who are trying to counter an intrinsically violent state of being that we all exist in at the moment. They are peaceful warriors who try to make their statements through creativity and compassion. We can all join in the Rainbow Warriors and find small ways to counter this embedded violence in our society each day.

This tiny blog item is one small contribution today. Enshallah, it will make a tiny splash that could touch others... even just one- so, I encourage you to get the book and to read it. It touched my heart.

mysticactive I have another copy and can send it your way if you email your address... too bad I didn't realize it when you were here. LOL! I bought another one when I went to see Starhawk... a watershed event that lead me to meet lazaruspdx (foremerly demolishedman), create this LJ and go through his LJ to meet you! :)
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