Monday Issues #49 & #50

Jul 07, 2008 23:42

Hello! Guess what? This is heartsintact's 50th issue! We're so happy to have made it to the all-important number fifty.

We apologise for the lack of entry last week; Nika was overwhelmed by her exams. We have sort of double issue here to make up for it. There's, uh-- a lot of fic under the various cuts, is all I'll say. So much good stuff recently! I'm still reading big bangs, also, so I think there's a couple of them in here too. ♥ Thanks for reading, as always.

Panic! at the Disco

Attention to Detail by tigs (Brendon/Spencer, PG)
He got Spencer and Brendon sharing looks before agreeing to plans, curling up on couches together, referring to themselves as a 'we'.

At the Same Time, in Another Room by untappedbeauty (Brendon/Spencer, NC-17)
"Hey," Spencer says, and Brendon opens his eyes to Spencer's slow smile. "Bed?" Spencer asks, and oh, wow. They haven't had a bed yet, not since this started.

Brendon doesn't bother answering, just jumps on the bed and bounces a little bit. "Perfect," he says. He strips off his shirt and lies back, and Spencer coughs. "Too fast?" Brendon asks.

Spencer shrugs. "Maybe a little. We have time."

South Carolina is For Lovers by formerlydf (Brendon/Ryan, R)
Every night Dream stands on stage and tells the audience that Brendon is a virgin. It's true until South Carolina.

Ready For More by untappedbeauty (Jon/Ryan, NC-17)
Ryan's never been one to focus especially on the visuals of sex. He likes the feel, of course, the smell of sweat and come, doesn't even mind the salty flavor of both on his tongue. But he loves, loves the sounds.

Erasing All This Body's Known by disarm_d (Brendon/Spencer, NC-17)
"What the fuck?" Spencer says, once Brendon has walked away. "Did you see--? With the--?" Spencer pulls his lips back and says, "Grrr."

"With the him-being-a-vampire?" Ryan says. "Yeah, yeah I noticed that."

The taste of you on my lips by airgiodslv (Brendon/Spencer, Brendon/OMC, NC-17)
They meet the guy at a bar.

Nothing Fancy, Nothing Much by cmonkatiekatie (Jon/Ryan, Ryan/Keltie, PG-13)
He should probably just go take a shower and jerk off. Or maybe he could call Keltie, she’s really obscenely good at getting him off from a thousand miles away with nothing but her voice and her dirty, dirty mind. The only problem is that lately she’s been bringing up his probably not really all that hetero man crush on Jon. Not during phone sex, thank Christ, but when they talk. She’ll say, “How’s the bromance going?” and the term bromance started as totally ironic and ridiculous, but she’s thrown it around enough that she just says it plain now, “You two take it to the next level yet?”

strap on your helmet and let's go (bb!chubs and bb!dorkface - a love story) by fiddleyoumust (Brendon/Spencer, R)
Spencer puts up with a lot of shit on a daily basis from all of his band mates, and Brendon is probably the worst of them all.

i'll say it anyway by foxxcub (Jon/Spencer, PG-13)
Spencer's never been one for comics.

and we'll sail around the world by jocondite (Brendon/Spencer, G)
Outside, the rain beats down in sheets of dense greyness.

"I'm sorry." Brendon says earnestly. "I really thought that it was like, two blocks."

kiss my ass I bought a boat I'm going out to sea by cmonkatiekatie (Brendon/Ryan, Jon/Spencer, NC-17)
They write their third album in Chicago.

Spoils of War by fiddleyoumust & stephanometra (GSF, NC-17)
Brendon wakes everyone up on his birthday by singing at the top of his lungs, because it's his birthday and thus his solemn right to be as obnoxious as possible.

Hold Tight, It's Just Beginning by jocondite (Ryan/Spencer, R)
"He is staying over, though," his mom says, not even a question. Spencer really likes that she doesn't need things explained, just takes the facts and comes up with the right conclusions.

Fall Out Boy

Titanomarchy by miserylovedme (Pete/Patrick, NC-17)
Patrick might not be a seismologist but he knows that a gas station isn’t the best place to wait out an earthquake.

Laying Down The Bass Line by calathea (Joe/Pete, PG-13)
"You're evil and a jackass," Joe informed Pete's voicemail late Thursday morning, and the cab driver looked at him disapprovingly in the rear view mirror.

Kings of the Never After by linzeems (Pete/Patrick, NC-17; final part of the "House Lights" series)
The thing about fairy tales is once the heroes get together, the camera trails off to try other things. It's taken Pete thirty-four years, but he's figured out very little works out like a fairy tale.

My Chemical Romance

The Nine AM Rule by miserylovedme (Frank/Bob, PG-13)
The only thing worse than being in that mosh pit with way too many people you don’t know touching you has got to be being up on stage in the sun, trying to play when you’re dehydrated and sleep-deprived and just really not in the best mood to be putting on a show.

So Haunted by thesamefire (Frank/Gerard, NC-17; warning for horror themes)
"So the weirdest fuckin' thing happened to me last night," Gerard says around his cigarette, which he's trying to light with a lighter that repeatedly fails to cooperate.

knee deep by onneonlights (Frank/Gerard, PG-13)
The parties are the strangest part of it. It should be being up there on a stage, microphone in hand and the guys around him, behind him, backing him up, but somehow that slips into being a natural part of him.

Life goes on with its glee by sinsense (Frank/Bob, R)
"What do you want?" Bob finally asks.

Mikey laughs, in his kind-of sort-of way. "Can you come out on tour with us when we're done our album?" He breathes in quick and half-laughs again. "I told Brian you would."

Someone Has To by charactereyes (Brian/Bob, R)
Bob and Brian have an arrangement.

The Hush Sound

untitled by colorofsmoke (Greta-centric, NC-17)
she learns as the tour goes on that if she feigns tiredness early the guys don't really bother her, too busy in their guy time or whatever. so she can retire to her bunk quite easily, really.

The Cab

Keep The Lights Off by flash_indie (gen/pre-GSF, unrated)
Singer’s like, he’s not scared of storms, not of crashing noises or violent lights, it’s just, just different at home.


Love You While I Bruise by stephanometre (Sean/Tom/Ryan, NC-17)
Ryan is one of those people with a particular talent for showing up exactly when you least want to see him. And that's really not a bad thing, nor is it a statement on how much Sean does or doesn't like him; it just kind of is.


paved with good intentions by octette (Pete/Gerard, PG)
When Gerard starts to count out his register, Pete leans over the counter. “Okay, sometimes you’re a real dick,” Pete says.

We Would Bring It On and On by skoosiepants (Brendon/Spencer, Jon/Spencer, Pete/Patrick, others, PG-13)
The only good thing about summer band practice is that Spencer isn’t going into his senior year at a new school blind.

isn't the ending so much as the start by tilltheday (Ryland/Leslie Feist, unrated)
Ryland is four Carbombs and a bottle of Stella into being twenty-three.

Just hear this and then I'll go by unprolific (Pete/Mikey, explicit)
They had run into each other the second, third day of the tour, and something clicked on for Mikey. Like hands in gloves and keys in locks, things that fit together, he and Pete just worked out.

Editor's Pick

A couple extra, to make up for things!

But you can't be missed by eleanor_lavish (Brendon/Spencer, R)
"No, I mean. It's like you haven't aged a single day." Ryan steals another glance, and Brendon looks uncomfortably out the window. The back streets of Vegas look a lot like he remembers them. The cars in the driveways aren't really different, people are still dressed the same, dragging their trash to the sidewalk in their pajamas. No one's in some sort of space-age suit or wearing a video visor, or walking a robotic dog. If Brendon was going to be dropped unceremoniously into the future without his consent, there could at least be robotic dogs.

in our bedroom, after the war by sinuous_curve & flickerofyou (Panic GSF, Brendon/Butcher, Ryan/Chiz, others, NC-17)
Spencer gets into college just as Ryan is deciding that he needs to be done with it.

This is Not the Story of Your Life by foxxcub (Brendon/Spencer, Jon/Ryan, Pete/Patrick, Frank/Gerard, PG-13)
Patrick says, softly, "I'll still have this, right? I mean...I won't forget it all, will I?"

It's not really Brendon's place to tell him how time passes here. No one ever explained it to him, and he'd spent a long time feeling bitter about it until he realized that it wasn't that no one wanted to explain it--it's that no one *could*.

"It's different for everyone," he finally replies slowly, and it's not a lie.

Suggestions for recs over here, as always, if you fancy!

m#49, m#50

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