Monday Issue #48

Jun 24, 2008 19:27

Not too many recs this week, sorry! I'm still drowning in unread big bang fics. /o\

Panic! at the Disco

it's ladies night [all the girls drink for free] by elleheartsyou (girl!Brendon/girl!Spencer, girl!Ryan/William, Ryan/Keltie, girl!Jon/Cassie, NC-17)
With Brendon around, Spencer figures that all small and large disasters are inevitable.

See You Before Me by lyo (Ryan-centric, imagined GSF, NC-17)
Ryan shouldn't do it, not in the bunks where there's only a thin curtain between him and the rest of the bus.

Act As If by afterthefair (Ryan/Spencer, NC-17)
Jon has a way of asking questions that makes Ryan see ten or twenty possibilities open up in front of him, instead of shutting things down to one possible answer.

Down the Rabbit Hole by marksykins (GSF, NC-17)
Maybe he just needed to sleep and things would be clear in the morning. Ryan closed his eyes and forced himself to count until he was unconscious.

Spencer Never Sees It Coming by bluejbird (Bandom/SGA; Ryan/Ronon, McKay/Sheppard, Brendon/Spencer, Jon/Ryan, PG-13)
“So,” Rodney says into the silence, shifting awkwardly. “What’s the 411, dudes?”

Everyone stares at him.

starlight starbright (if you wanna kiss the sky, better learn how to kneel) by softlyforgotten (Brendon/Ryan, PG-13; a Stardust AU)
“I don’t believe in magic,” Ryan says, “or any of the stupid stuff about the Wall. Come on, Spence, I’m bringing the guy back a fallen star. Is there any way he won’t fall in love with me?”

A Little Piece with You by foxxcub & lifeslushlips (Jon/Spencer, Brendon/Ryan, Pete/Patrick, NC-17; 1920s speakeasy AU)
It's funny, how wanting to be in a band doesn't always mean wanting to play in front of an audience.

Fall Out Boy

Might Be Maybe Not by formerlydf (Joe/Andy, unrated)
Patrick asks Andy, "What's up with you and Joe?" Joe, out of sight, blinks and holds his breath, waiting for the answer.

Rip Her To Shreds by flash_indie (always-a-girl!Pete/always-a-girl!Patrick (Trish/Peyton), R)
The interviewer is pretty fucking generic; big, blonde curls and blue eyes that sparkle less with life and more with the glint of the stage lights, with her pay check at the end of the week.

“Is there any like, irony I guess, in the band name? I mean, Fall Out Boy is a pretty interesting title given your line-up.”

My Chemical Romance

Love: The Package Deal by jjtaylor (Frank/Gerard, Frank/Gerard/Lyn-Z, implied Frank/Gerard/Lyn-Z/Jamia, Adult)
Gerard has a previously unknown allergic reaction to something he eats during lunch and Mikey and Frank rush him to the emergency room. He's blotchy and not breathing right and Frank's never been more scared, even though, when he thinks about it, he's seen Gerard in what were possibly worse situations, though neither of them realized it because they were so trashed.

here comes the summer by lovebashed (Frank/Gerard, PG)
Frank’s sucking on a popsicle as he slumps down next to Gerard on the grass. It’s strawberry and delicious and Mikey’s eyeing at it enviously.

The Academy Is...

Smiled with the risin' sun by just_katarin (Butcher/Siska, R)
They're halfway through Warped and Siska hasn't had clean underwear in a week.


zen arcade by battleofhydaspe (Sean/Tom, unrated)
Tom has two major vices.

One is that he can’t keep his fucking mouth shut when he’s drunk.


lead me to calling to you by belle_bing (Brendon/Greta, NC-17)
“I was just looking for you,” Greta calls out when she’s close enough for Brendon to hear her, turn around and smile.

Lessons in Etiquette by saturnalia (Brendon/Cash, NC-17)
Porn or no porn, there are some things that are just not cool in another dude's living room.

Editor's Pick

Go Ask Alice, or, ADD(ict) by miznarrator (Brendon/Ryan, Brendon/Spencer, NC-17; AU, warnings for dark themes)
Brendon bounces out of the kitchen again, shirt hanging open, almost off his shoulders. His bare feet slap on the linoleum, silencing once they hit the carpet. He smiles at Spencer first, then beams at Ryan. Spencer raises his eyebrows again, but neither of them notice. Ryan smiles back before remembering himself and dropping it. Brendon’s fades more slowly but it too, disappears.

“Are you sure you can handle this.”

“What are you talking about, fuck yeah, I can handle it.” Brendon’s shoulders are a bit raised, but straight, as he takes a step in closer to Ryan, bouncing just a little on his toes. Spencer watches Ryan deliberately not flinch, and holds his own breath. The music blares so loud it feels like silence.


Brendon steps back, cocky smirk back in place, bouncing again. “Okay, I’ll do good, you watch.”

“Be careful,” Spencer says, even though he sounds like his mom. He’s not even sure how he means it.


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