Mar 13, 2007 03:07
I'm going on a date on Wednesday, but since I got tricked into going and don't even want to go, I'm not counting it as breaking my Lenten vow of refraining from all forms of dating. How did I get tricked, you ask. The answer is easy. The boy I did my psych extra credit project with (the interview/lying one) said he had a girlfriend, so today when he cornered me during classed and passed me a note (because it's not like we're mature college students or anything) asking to grab lunch on Wednesday, I thought it would be nice to make a new friend, especially since he was supposed to be in a relationship, I didn't have to worry about any miscommunication or crossed wires like is so frequent the case when I try to make friends. Anyway, after class when we set up a time, he said he looked forward to our "date," and noticing the confusion in my eyes, clarified that he and his girlfriend actually broke up and he hasn't stopped thinking about me since the interview thing :/ Kalen thinks it's absolutely hilarious and that I should just forget about Lent and see what happens, but I already know he's not my type, so I'm really dreading lunch on Wednesday because I don't want to lead him on, but I also don't want to be a callous bitch.
This is why I have been trying more and more to just keep to myself. Life is so much less complicated when I interact with the bare minimum amount of people.
I have to get up by 6am everyday this week because Tina, one of the mom's I work for, is going to be out of town so I have to take her son to and from school everyday. Although I shouldn't complain because this helps my other predicament because it gives me a legitimate reason for having to cut lunch short...
Oh, and the movie 300 was a lot better tan I expected, although the honor and glory themes became a bit repetitive as the film progressed.