Nov 25, 2012 23:58
Cons are basically like spring break for nerds and geeks. Get that tattoo you can't let your mom know about! ("Is that Mjolnir in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?") Do things you wouldn't usually do! (Get arrested by storm troopers) Sexual experimentation! (Find out EXACTLY what that Castiel cosplayer learned from the pizza man) Get involved in mindless violence for no REAL reason! ("You said WHO was the best companion?!?" *insert free-for-all melee here*) Then go back to school after the holiday weekend and go back to your life like nothing happened!
And remember! What happens at the Con...
will be on Tumblr by the next morning, so don't be alarmed if you wake up post-Battle Royale and discover you've become a meme.