I've mentioned it before (I think? I def have on twitter and facebook at least) and alseekfjasdflkjadfs YOU GUYS DONT EVEN KNOW HOW EXCITED WE ARE! Lol it all started when Amber and I were going over all the cool shit happening at this years Dragon*con and she said "You should go, its in your state" and then SOMEHOW we came around to "Hey, wait, we could totally do this next year" and we found a 3rd person (Wish we had a 4th person to come with, but we lost our 4th on her end so we're back down to 3) and AHHH WE ARE GOING TO DRAGON COOOOOOON SLKDfjkasdfj;asdfjkladfskj
My postcard (you take it to registration so it's easier to register) came yesterday (I bought my tickets before the price went up. It was only $75 for the whole 4 days. Price goes up incremently until full price at $140 as the months go by but before 11/15, it was only $75) and AHHHHHHHHH