Mar 23, 2012 00:04

Okay so THIS is my assignment for the discussion on this unit for my Intro to Global Issues class online...

Post your comments in response to the question below. Then respond one other students’ comments to the question. Your comments should be at least 60 words but less than 100. Your comments about the other student’s comment should be at least 30 words but no more than 60 words. Explain what you agree and disagree with about the other student’s comment. Don’t be around the bush. Get to the heart of the matter quickly.

Estimated Time = One Hour

Question: Potential acts of terrorism significantly affect you and our nation. The United States has made considerable efforts to thwart terroristic acts upon U.S. citizens. U.S. taxpayers have already spent more than a $1 trillion on Homeland Security measures since 9/11 (ten years). We have spent another $3 trillion on the War on Terrorism in the Middle East (of course, that spending is also an effort to keep oil flowing to the U.S.). It is frustrating at the least and demeaning at best to travel by air due to the body scans and pat-downs at airports. The USA Patriot Act (p 121) weakens your protection against unreasonable searches and seizures (police must have a warrant approved by a judge). If the FBI was monitoring you because they have been alerted to “suspicious activity” possibly related to terroristic activity, they can monitor your internet searches and email; look at your bank account or credit card purchases; or, listen to your cell phone conversations without a search warrant. We have lost some freedom and must pay more taxes to protect us from terrorism. Do you think the loss of freedom and extra taxes are worth the costs? Or, would you like to see:

1) airports become more “user friendly” without passenger searches;

2) know that the government cannot tap your phone without a search warrant; 3) and not pay as much in taxes to combat terrorism? How much are you willing to pay in loss freedom and taxes to thwart terrorist activity?

Your comments should be at least 60 words but less than 100. Your comments about the other student’s comment should be at least 30 words but no more than 60 words. Explain what you agree and disagree with about the other student’s comment.

..... SERIOUSLY?! Do you know how LITTLE 100 words is?! How the everloving FUCK do I answer ALL OF THAT in 100 words?!?

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