This is a scan of the back inside cover of my senior yearbook. This was my best friend's page...
That was only 1 year ago...7 years as best friends, closer than sisters...and what? 1 year for all of that to be over? How does that happen? And I know you usually lose touch with friends from highschool, but we weren't just like 'oh, this year my best friend has been-' no, we were like... 'spends most of every day together' best friends. It just blows my mind that best friends as close as we were just... fell apart. I haven't spoken to her since... idk... October? I saw her and Clay (our other best friend but of a shorter amount of time) then and i'd seen them both in August. I'd seen Clay a few times between those, but I've only hung out with her twice since we graduated. I've seen Clay since, but just... i have gotten two texts from her twice since then. One on new years when she texted to tell me she was engaged and then the one to tell me they were getting married.
Then now I haven't heard from Clay since he came out to me. He hasn't texted me or called me or anything. I dont even know if he's living here anymore. I've technically known him even longer than Britney, but still... same difference. We're not 'best friends' anymore really. It would be one thing if it had happened gradually.. but it didnt. One day we were inseperable... she left two weeks... BAM! That was it. It was like we weren't that close at all.
Idk, I'm probably just bitter because Britney found new friends and got married to her boyfriend and 'inherited' a lot of his friends, so she has other people in her life now and I've got no friends at all in real life. My ONLY friends are online friends, and that doesnt make them less important, but it just... idk... it makes me feel pathetic in a way? Not for them being my friends, but because they're my ONLY friends.
And Clay just sucks, lol. Bastard got a boyfriend before me, lmao. Seriously, its pretty sad when you've never had a boyfriend even though you've always been available, and your best friend meets a boy while he's STILL IN THE FUCKING CLOSET! *pout*
Its cause he's so fucking pretty, damn it. He's easily one of the best looking guys around here (and yeah, most of the guys here are ugly as hell... i live in like... the town of ugly dudes, swear to God. You go one town over in any direction and its practically RAINING hot guys) so it makes sense, but still... how? Lmao.
Aww... I was trying to find a photo of him and I'm still kinda sad, but just seeing his smile made me happy. I miss the dude but his happy face always makes me smile (srrsly, Clay is one of the happiest, most hyperactive and NICE people ever born, lol)