Mar 03, 2010 23:52
When they took a break in 2008, i had just turned 17 in January, so i never saw them live. I planned on seeing them now that they have a new album recording and whenever they do another tour, i was going to FINALLY see them and its like... #1 on my 'list of things to do before i die' ....
and as the final twist to the knive plunged into my heart... i will now never see My Chemical Romance live.... because even if they do another tour, it wont by MY MCR! This is like... the final lowblow of ALL lowblows and i cannot express my dispair, my anguish, my sorrow, my fucking PAIN AT THIS THOUGHT!
You just... someone may think they no, but you DO NOT KNOW HOW THIS FEELS! I FEEL LIKE PART OF MY SOUL IS GONE!
And i had to, i couldn't not, i had to go watch it... the Anthem of my Generation. The song and video that brought me to MCR, and the entrance of Bob Bryar: I'm Not Okay.
I HAD to watch it and I just... i'll never watch it again with the same feeling. Before, that song alone coudl make everything better, no matter what. NOTHING was too bad that I'm Not Okay couldn't make it a little better, if not fix it altogether.... and now? The song is horribly sad, and the video GUTS ME because you see him, in all his chubby faced, buzzed hair glory bashing away on those drums before it was certain he WAS their drummer....
and it is like someone died and then died again.
bob bryar,
my chemical romance,
i'm not okay