Title: Let Me Get What I Want.
Fandom: Glee.
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Noah Puckerman/Rachel Berry/Finn Hudson aka Fuckleberry. Santana Lopez. Implied Brittany/Artie/Santana.
Rating: T/Borderline R.
Word Count: 1,164.
Disclaimer: I don't own the song 'Please Let Me Get What I Want'. It's an awesome song by The Smiths.
Spoiler(s)/Warning(s): General Spoilers. Language cause well it's Puck and Santana.
Author Notes: A part of the Slip In verse. Prequel to the events that happened in Slip In. Any other fics that may be apart of this series will all be out of order. I will organize them though into a proper order once finish. I'm not sure how many parts to this verse there will be, but I hope you all enjoy it. All mistakes are my own as I don't have a beta.
Let Me Get What I Want ||
Slip In Let Me Get What I Want
He knew it going to be a bad week from the get-go. He was later than usual to school, thanks to a storm blowing out the fucking electricity. His baby didn’t want to start, what kind of shit was that? The truck ran like gold but of course, today of all days, it didn’t want to. Decides getting detention and an earful from Shue about the importance of arriving on time, his…he didn’t know what to call them. Lovers? Boyfriend & girlfriend? Whatever. All he knew was that Finn and Rachel were both mad at him. They refused to look at him and he had no clue why.
Okay, maybe that was a lie. He did know why. They had caught him kissing that cougar outside of Breadstix when instead he was supposed to be inside with them for their date. It wasn’t his fault the bitch had grabbed his shirt and kissed him. Despite what they thought, he hated every single minute of it. The cougar wasn’t even all that attractive. Seriously, though how could he care about anyone else when he had Rachel and Finn?
They sort of changed him…and for the better. He wasn’t all about sex anymore, but hey he also wasn’t one to turn it down fuck you very much. Every since they started this little threesome, he only had eyes for them. Even when Santana had tried to proposition him over and over, he just wanted them. No one else. Was that so much to ask for.
“Someone’s in the dog house,” Santana sang as she stopped beside his locker.
Puck groaned, “Shit they told you?”
Beside the three of them, Santana, Brittany and Artie were the only ones who knew about their relationship.
Santana nodded, her grin only growing. “You fucked up big time Puckerman.”
He closed his locker, resting his forehead against the cold metal, “Don’t have to rub it in Satan. I know what happened, I was fucking there.”
Her lips puckered, “God Puckerman, stop being such a pussy. You want them to start talking to you do something about it. Don’t just stand here being all moppy it’s so disgusting. It’s like I don’t even know you anymore.”
Puck glared at the smug looking Latina. He had already tried every thing he could think of to get them to speak to him. Neither of them would, though he could see Finn starting to crumble. He knew Rachel was hounding him to stand his ground for once and not cave. When he voiced the fact that he had run out of ideas, Santana could only roll her eyes.
“You disgust me Puckerman,” she repeated, hand on her hip, “Seriously though, think, what is one way to make Berry melt? Once she caves Finn wouldn’t be that far off.” With that, she turned and walked away from him.
Puck stared at the metal locker, eyes narrowed in concentration. Right, what the hell could he do that will make Rachel melt? It took him a moment to get it but when he did, he smiled for the first time that week.
- X -
Two days later, Puck was practically bouncing in his seat next to Santana. He was starting to get a bit aggravated, the one time he actually wanted to participate in Glee and Shue had to be late. Again, his luck was just wonderful this week.
He chanced a glance to Rachel and Finn. Rachel had quickly looked away; turning her attention to Sam beside her while, Finn openly stared at him with sad eyes before Rachel elbowed his side. Puck smiled, his midget could be a true bitch when she wanted to be.
Shue finally walked in, “Alright guys, this time we’re going to-”
Puck pulled a page out of his girlfriend’s book and interrupted the teacher, “Shue I have something I need to get off my chest.”
The curly haired teacher’s eyes widened, as did practically everyone in the room, “Sure, got ahead Puck. The floor’s all yours.”
Puck nodded his thanks, standing up to grab his guitar from the corner of the room. He sat of the stool Santana had pulled up center for him and took a deep breath.
“Right, not that any of you know this, but I’m kind of in this relationship and right now it’s hit a little snag,” his eyes drew over the Gleeks, landing on Finn and Rachel. Rachel had sat up just a little more proper the moment he took the floor and he could make out the start of a smile on Finn’s lips. “They are Jewish icons or anything but just as good.” Carefully handling his guitar, Puck started the first notes.
‘Good times for a change. See, the luck I’ve had, could make a good man turn bad.’ He stared at the pair, his eyes speaking volumes. He wanted them to trust him, to know that he wouldn’t betray them like they thought he would.
‘So please, please, please. Let me, let me, let me. Let me get what I want this time,’ he wanted them back. No he needed them. This week had been hell without them and they needed to understand that.
‘Haven’t had a dream in a long time. See, the life I’ve had, could make a good man bad.’ The others were swaying to beat of music, eyes closed as they listened to his voice. He smiled, turning again to Rachel and Finn. The tears that were welling up in Rachel’s eyes nearly killed him, as did Finn’s brokenhearted expression.
‘So for once in my life, let me get what I want. Lord knows, it would be the first. Lord knows, it would be the first time.” he closed his eyes, playing the last strings of the song.
The song ended and silence reigned in the choir room before the sound of applause made up for it. Opening his eyes, he saw Santana, Brittany and Artie the first to clap; the others joining in enthusiastically after them. He turned to his pair, just in time to get an arm full of a crying Rachel.
“I’m so sorry,” she mumbled, into his shirt shaking her head. “We were so stupid…I mean I was so stupid. I should have tried to listen to what you had to say.”
He opened his mouth to speak, only to shut it when another set of arms wrapped around him and Rachel. Finn’s chin rested on his shoulder as Puck closed his eyes.
“Dude, I’m sorry,” he stated Rachel’s words minus the tears. His face nuzzling into Puck’s cheek as he whispered his own apologizes.
“S’ok, as long as I got you two. S’ok.”
He knew there was a lot of explaining to do. This was the first time the three of them had been this open about their relationship in front of any of them. But right now, he really didn’t care. He got them back. That’s all that mattered right now.