Seven Unrelated Drabbles. (Smallville. Lana Lang/Oliver Queen)

Mar 31, 2010 19:28

Title: A Little Slip.
Fandom: Smallville.
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Lana Lang/Oliver Queen.
Rating: General.
Word Count: 110.
Spoiler(s)/Warning(s): None.
Author Notes: The original for these prompts were to have them all tell a seven chapter story...but I couldn't get it to work. So I'll use the original idea for something else and you get my completed challenge in one go.
For: svpromptstables. Prompt: 01 - Kiss. [ Table]

A Little Slip

She liked to think it was an accident. A slip of the lips when they had moved in to kiss each others cheek. After all, Oliver Queen was just a friend. She told herself she didn’t have feelings for him but even that was beginning to become questionable. There was no denying the fact that Oliver was a very handsome man. He had done quite a few questionable things in his past, however, she had she. Maybe giving them a try would be nice. Or maybe it would make things worse. Either way a small part of her was beginning to hope the kiss hadn’t been an accident at all.


Title: Night Surprises.
Fandom: Smallville.
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Lana Lang/Oliver Queen.
Rating: General.
Word Count: 220.
Spoiler(s)/Warning(s): None.
Author Notes: The original for these prompts were to have them all tell a seven chapter story...but I couldn't get it to work. So I'll use the original idea for something else and you get my completed challenge in one go.
For: svpromptstables. Prompt: 02 - Date. [ Table]

Night Surprises

“Why do I have to have my eyes covered Oliver?” Lana asked as the blond lead her forward, her hands over top of his as he covered her eyes.

“Because I want it to be a surprise,” he whispered his warm breath against the outer shell of her ear. Lana smiled as he continued to lead her towards their destination. He had given her no hints of the where they were going. Simply told her to get ready and get in the car. Normally she wouldn’t have dealt with such demanding tones but something inside her told her to play along. So she did. Her excitement was growing with each passing second.

“Okay, we’re here,” She could hear the excitement in her boyfriends own voice as he left their hands away. Her eyes were still shut but she slowly opened them to take in the scene before them.

She gasped softly, “Oliver it’s beautiful.”

The superhero had set up a little picnic of sorts for two in front of a large lake. Across the water was a beautifully lit amusement park. It made the settling that more breathtaking.

Oliver wrapped his arms around her waist, drawing her closer, and rested his chin on her shoulder. “Do you like it?”

“I love it,” she replied softly, turning to kiss the blond.


Title: Green Eyes.
Fandom: Smallville.
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Lana Lang/Oliver Queen, One-Sided Zatanna Zatara/Oliver Queen, Implied Future Zatanna Zatara/Clark Kent.
Rating: General.
Word Count: 155.
Spoiler(s)/Warning(s): None.
Author Notes: The original for these prompts were to have them all tell a seven chapter story...but I couldn't get it to work. So I'll use the original idea for something else and you get my completed challenge in one go.
For: svpromptstables. Prompt: 03 - Crush. [ Table]

Green Eyes

Standing crossed armed, Zatanna glared at the pretty brunette dancing in Oliver Queen’s arms. It wasn’t that she was jealous. She had no claim to the blond billionaire. Just couldn’t deny the little feelings that had settled when she had first met him for Chloe’s birthday. She had thought there had been a spark when they met. That proved wrong from this appearance of Lana Lang. Zatanna felt no ill-will for the brunette. Lana was a nice girl, but she couldn’t stop the little feeling of wanting to make a voodoo doll.

The Mistress of Magic shook her head. No, what she felt for Queen was a crush and nothing more. What she felt for Clark Kent on the other hand. Her eyes traveled to the farm boy to see him watching her. He blush at being caught and smiled before he turned away. Zatanna smiled, she definitely found a new toy to play with.


Title: Those Little Things.
Fandom: Smallville.
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Lana Lang/Oliver Queen.
Rating: General.
Spoiler(s)/Warning(s): None.
Author Notes: The original for these prompts were to have them all tell a seven chapter story...but I couldn't get it to work. So I'll use the original idea for something else and you get my completed challenge in one go.
For: svpromptstables. Prompt: 04 - Love. [ Table]

Those Little Things

There were plenty of times Lana Lang knew Oliver Queen loved her. They were little things but those what made her the most happy. Of course she loved whenever he did extravagant things for her but the little things meant the most.

Whenever he meet her eyes from across a room the look within spoke volumes. It was like he was standing right in front of her and whispering ‘I Love You’. The subtle caresses when they were in meeting or with friends always sent her heartbeat into a frenzy. Even when it is a simply brush of the back of his hand to reassure her of his presence. And while he had a habit of ruffling her hair that in the beginning had annoyed her to no end, she had come to appreciate the jester. Sometimes even longing for it, especially on nights when he was out of town.

But it was those little moments of love that she remember on those solitary nights waiting for his return.


Title: Welcome to the Club.
Fandom: Smallville.
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Lana/Oliver, Zatanna/Clark, implied Lois/Arthur, Chloe/Bart.
Rating: Teen.
Word Count: 279.
Spoiler(s)/Warning(s): None.
Author Notes: The original for these prompts were to have them all tell a seven chapter story...but I couldn't get it to work. So I'll use the original idea for something else and you get my completed challenge in one go.
For: svpromptstables. Prompt: 05 - Engaged. [ Table]

Welcome to the Club

Zatanna extended her hand, showing Lana, Lois, and Chloe the beautiful engagement ring Clark had gotten for her. The girls’ squealed and congratulating the young magician.

“It’s beautiful Z,” Chloe smiled brightly.

Lois nodded, “It’s about time Smallville finally decided to tie the knot. That‘s some rock he got you.”

Zatanna nodded, as she glanced at Lana, “It really came as a surprise. But…”

Lana smile, “I’m happy for the both of you. You make him happy.”

The Mistress of Magic nodded in appreciation. Lois whistled, drawing away from the awkwardness that was be to form. “In a few months you will officially in the club, Zatanna!” she exclaimed showing off the ring Arthur had given her the previous year at their wedding. She nudged Chloe, prompting her to show her own ring from Bart. “Now we’re just waiting on this one and Oliver.” Oliver turned her attention to Lana who had cover her left hand with her right.

Lana laughed, looking over to where the men stood around Clark giving their own congratulations to the young hero. “We’ve been over this Lois.”

The reporter rolled her eyes, “Yes, yes. The big bad Queen and Lang aren’t ready to tie the knot.”

“No, we aren’t. Remember my last marriage didn’t end to well.”

Chloe looked between the two girls’ glaring at one another. “Okay, moving on. Come one guys, it’s Z’s day. It’s not time to petty fights.”

“You’re right your right.” Lois agreed, “Any thoughts on the dress?”. The girls’ busied themselves with chatter of the upcoming wedding and all the preparations needed. Lana smiled at her friends, taking a brief moment to glance at her fingerless finger.


Title: The Big Day.
Fandom: Smallville.
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Lana Lang/Oliver Queen, Chloe Sullivan, Martha Kent, Lois Lane, Bruce Wayne.
Rating: General.
Spoiler(s)/Warning(s): None.
Author Notes: The original for these prompts were to have them all tell a seven chapter story...but I couldn't get it to work. So I'll use the original idea for something else and you get my completed challenge in one go.
For: svpromptstables. Prompt: 06 - Marriage. [ Table]

The Big Day

She took a deep breath glancing at her reflection in the mirror. Martha Kent and Chloe moved around her, putting together the finishing touches.

“You look beautiful Lana.” Martha smiled proudly at the young woman.

“Thank you,” Lana returned her smile and Martha give her shoulder a gentle squeeze. Before leaving the room.

Chloe turned Lana around to face her, “Are you ready?”

Lana nodded, smiling to her long time best friend. “More than I’d very be.”

Chloe gave her friend a tight hug, “I’m so happy for you Lana.” She whispered causing tears to come to the bride-to-be’s eyes. Lana returned the blonde’s hug, “Thank you Chloe. For everything.”

The girls’ remained in the embrace until Lois knocked, “I hate to break up this little love fest but Lana,” she grinned, equally happy for her friend, ‘it’s time.” They pulled away, laughing as they wiped away the tears.

“Let’s go girls’.” Lana smiled, following the cousins out into the foyer.

If someone had told Lana, would be walking down the church aisle on the arm of Bruce Wayne she would have laughed. Had they told her, she would be marrying one of the most handsome men in world, Oliver Queen. She would have laughed hysterically and asked whether they had been drinking.

Now both things were occurring. Bruce patted here hand assuring as the proceeding behind Chloe and Arthur. She took another deep breath, smiling as the handsome man lead her to her husband-to-be. Oliver looked amazing in his white suit. Clark, Victor, Bart and Arthur stood at his said.

“Who give this woman to be married to this man?”

Bruce smiled, once again patting her hand, “I do.”

Lana smiled to Bruce in thanks as he gave Oliver her hand, stepping aside to allow the wedding continue. She had never been so happy.


Title: V-Morning.
Fandom: Smallville.
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Lana Lang/Oliver Queen.
Rating: General.
Word Count: 284.
Spoiler(s)/Warning(s): None.
Author Notes: The original for these prompts were to have them all tell a seven chapter story...but I couldn't get it to work. So I'll use the original idea for something else and you get my completed challenge in one go.
For: svpromptstables. Prompt: 07 - Valentine's Day. [ Table]

Light filtered in the room, warming the closed eye lids of sleeping woman. Lana stretched and shifted her position, reaching out for a body that wasn’t there. She opened her eyes, blinked away the sleep and getting herself used to the light filtering in.

“Oliver?” she looked around for the blond to no avail. “Oliver?” she repeated.

The bedroom door flew open, “Morning Princess,” Oliver grinned, walking into the room with a tray of breakfast foods and a vase with three red roses.

She blinked, a smile appearing on her lips, “What’s this?”

“Well the kids wanted to help me make a wonderful Valentine’s Day breakfast for their mommy before Uncle Clark and Aunt Zatanna picked them up.” The blond replied, setting the tray in front of her after she had settled properly.

Lana picked up the fork and poked a piece of egg before bring it to her lips, “Mmm, my compliment to the cooks.”

Oliver smiled, sitting beside her and running a hand through her hair, “I’ll let the little monsters know you enjoyed it. They also set up a rather interesting day for us.”

Lana bite into a piece of toast, waiting until she finished before replying, “Did they? What did they have planned.”

“Oh you’ll see. Ethan and Noah have quite the imaginations,” Oliver grinned mischievously, leaning in, “first, finish your breakfast and open this.”

He pulled a tiny wrapped box from his pocket, setting it on the tray. He kissed her forehead and gave her a wink before leaving her to finish her food. Lana smiled fingering the bow on top of the box, her left hand gently rubbed her stomach.

“You’re going to love your future family, Ava.”


rating: general, dc_char: bruce wayne(batman), type: het, dc_char: lana lang, dc_char: clark kent(superman), sv_pair: lana/oliver, dc_char: chloe sullivan, dc_char: zatanna zatara, fandom: smallville, dc_char: oliver queen(green arrow), length: 100-500 words, dc_char: lex luthor

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