Little Hints.(1/?) (Twilight; Jacob/Rosalie)

Mar 28, 2010 20:57

Title: Little Hints.
Fandom: The Twilight Saga.
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Jacob Black/Rosalie Hale, Mention to other Cullens.
Rating: Teen.
Spoiler(s)/Warning(s): A.U. Don't like, then Don't Read.
Author Notes: It's been forever since my last Twilight related fic. So here is a little something. Was meant to be only a one shot but...Might be another part or two to it. Excuse any mistakes.
For: 100_tales. Prompt: 70 - Embarrassment. [ Table]

Little Hints

The bell rung throughout the Cullen house hold. Rosalie groan unladylike and crossed her arms in annoyance. She didn’t need Alice’s premonitions to know who was at the door. It wouldn’t be long before one of her siblings answered the door and let the little mongrel in. This would be his fourth visit in a week. The boy could not take a hint. The door opened and closed.

Emmett walked into the living room with a grin from ear to ear. “Your dog is here.” He boomed and not even a second later the other Cullen’s subtly, or at least they tried, entered.

“He’s not my dog.” The blonde tossed her hair from her shoulder, glaring at the tall Native American teen who entered the room.

Like every other visit he greeted each member in her family. It repulsed her to see them acting all chummy with the very man, who before he had met her, that had wanted to shred them all to pieces. Though handsome, Jacob Black was still the enemy and apparently she was the only one who could see that. Jasper gave the dog an awkward smile. Alice beamed as she always did. Edward and his all knowing had been grating on her nerves since day one. Esme and Carlisle greeted the teen as though he were already part of the family. This was wrong and despite her making this notion loud and clear It went unheard.

Jacob stopped in front of her and gave her a slight smile, “Rosalie,”

“Mutt,” she replied in greeting.

Her coldness didn’t bother him. He simply sat down on the floor beside her feet like he always did on his visits and watched the movie she had one.

This bothered her most of all. The teen had feelings for her. Someone would have to be blind if they say he didn’t. Yet he never properly spoke with her. Rosalie would receive random comments from him but it was never about her. He never once complimented her. Never told her she was beautiful. Never asked for a date. She’d turn him down, of course. At least that’s what she told herself.

Alice had told her, in one form or another, that the two were inevitable. Rosalie didn’t see how that was possible. The little mongrel was far from her mind, and now it seemed like he was getting closer. Rosalie shifted a bit closer to the edge and Jacob, trying to play subtle, moved as well. She growled in warning, glancing at the others for some sort of support. Her beloved family seemed engrossed in the film, only frustrating her more. Every time the blonde moved away, Jacob slid closer. Either the wolf wasn’t getting the hint or he had a death wish. As Rosalie fell from the couch and on the floor, she was convinced of the latter.

A deathly silence filled the room, every waited for the explosion that was prone to occur. Rosalie stood up from the floor, promptly dusting herself off. She took in an unnecessary breath of air and glared at the young shifter.

“Either someone can explain to the puppy that he is unwanted or I’ll make sure he never visits this house again.” Her voice was calm, despite the menacing look on her beautiful face. She took her leave, ignoring the little sliver of guilt she felt at the sound of Jacob’s whimper. At the moment her pride was to hurt to care.


type: het, rating: teen, tw_char: jacob black, tw_pair: jacob/rosalie, tw_char: rosalie hale, length: chaptered, tw_char: emmett cullen, fandom: twilight saga

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