Title: Peaceful and Cute.
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII.
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Aerith/Reno, Rude.
Rating: PG.
Spoiler(s)/Warnings(s): None. It's Au.
Author Notes: Written for
100_tales, Prompt: Hours. Got the idea after looking through my folder of Aerith/Reno fanart and I saw a picture of Reno sleeping(by the flower bed) with Aerith kneeling by his head and looking down at him. [
Peaceful and Cute.
It was another day. Dull like many others in his past. Instead of being out in the field with Rude and Elena, he was playing babysitter once again. Not that he really minded. It gave him time to himself with the scrutiny of the others. Besides he'd grown to like the Ancient, who was so attached to the plant life in her church. She was taking to him too, as far as he could tell. Aerith was no longer on edge whenever he pushed opened the large doors and entered. She had even dared to sit beside a few times when he took a seat in one of the broken pews to watch her. The one thing he really liked about her was she never talked more than she had, unlike most women he knew, unless prompted with a topic she liked.
Reno stretched out on a pew, lying on his back as he tried to stifle a yawn. The brown haired girl giggled from where she knelt by her flowers, drawing his attention. She stood patting her hands against her dress to brush off the excess dirt before she made her way towards him with a smile.
"You seem tired today Reno."
He shrugged, glancing up at the ceiling, "Nah, I'm never tired."
Aerith giggled again as he leaned over to look down at him. He blinked as her hair slipped over her pale shoulder, the tips tickling his nose. "Sure you're not. That would explain why you've yawned about..." she paused, her brows knotting together as if in deep concentration, " twenty times now."
Reno’s brow shot up in question “you actually counted?”
She shrugged lightly; "you should get some rest. It wouldn't do anyone good if you fall over conscience something during work."
"I'm working now."
Aerith shook her head, "I don't think of it that way. It's more like friend come to visit."
Reno frowned, staring at the pretty brunette in confusion. He started to move only for her to push him back down.
"I'm not going to go anywhere. I'll still be here when you wake up." She reached out with a gentle hand, touching his forehead. Reno blinked, opening his mouth to say something only to shut it again. His eyes felt heavy and he blinked again to try and keep himself awake. He blinked one last time before his eyes slowly slid shut. The little witch cast sleep on him.
Reno's nose twitched as something brushed against it. He groaned, reaching out to swat away the object. The redheaded Turk sighed in relief when a moment went by and nothing disturbed him. He licked his lips hoping he could get back to his dream. Damn whatever it was had ruined his dream of seducing Aerith.
Something brushed against his nose again, this time his nose scrunched up and he couldn't stop himself from sneezing.
A voice giggled from behind him and Reno cracked open an eye to meet playful bright green. There was a rapid movement and the flame-haired man could just make out a flower being hidden behind her back.
"I thought you wanted to sleep?" He asked groggily, rubbing at his eyes.
"You did sleep, for a good five hours." She giggled as he looked at her in surprise, "You looked so peaceful and...cute. I couldn't help myself."
Reno sighed. She always seemed to only confuse him, but he couldn't stop himself from smirking back at her.
"Cute you say?"
A throat cleared from behind the young woman. Aerith straightened and turned her head to the larger Turk behind her. Reno wondered how he could have possibly messed his bald headed partner.
"Rude 'sup yo?" He smiled nervously.
Rude's brow shot up from beneath his usually pair of shades, arms crossed over his chest as he stared at his partner. "Sleeping on the job?"
His hands shot up before he could stop them and he pointed to the flower girl, "She made me!"
Reno could just make out Rude's eyes rolling from underneath the shades. Aerith fought to keep a stern expression on her face as her hands rested on her hips.
"Whatever the reason, Tseng isn't too happy with you." The taller man grumbled “He’s tried calling you.”
"But my phone right here, yo." Reno stated, reaching for the object within the pockets of his jacket only to not find it.
Aerith's smile wilted, "I'm sorry I took it so it wouldn't wake you. You really did need to rest."
Reno stood to his feet and as Aerith rush into the back room of the broken church. She returned a few moments later with the phone. Reno grimaced at the notice of ten missed calls.
"Tseng's going to have my head." He muttered to himself, Rude chuckled lightly beside him.
"I'm sorry." Aerith frowned, staring at the phone. "If I knew it would get you in trouble."
Reno shrugged it off and smiled, not liking seeing the usually cheerful face so defeat.
"Don't worry about, yo." He checked his watch “it’s late. Let us walk you home?" He offered, earning a surprised look from Rude and a brightened smile from the girl.
"I'll be fine on my own."
He waved her off before stuffing his hands in his pocket and starting toward the front of the church motioning for Rude. "We'll wait outside."
Reno's voice left no room for an argument as he disappeared out the doors with his silent partner following him. They didn't have to wait too much longer before the flower girl emerged with her basket.