Eight years is a long time (Open)

Jan 03, 2015 16:44

I do remember what day it is--last year I nearly forgot. Eight years ago I was killed and six days after I arrived here in the village. That's a long time to be in the village, and long enough that the painful memories have faded. They really first started to that time in the village (I'd only been here a few months) when I was turned into a little boy. When I was back to myself, the pain seemed much easier to bear. Now I feel it in the occasional nightmare and wonder how much better things are in this place.

I suppose it's easy to smile when I just saw one of my students from last year. She waved and told her mother that was her old teacher, Mr. Faramir. I don't care to be called so by most people, but it's just fine when its the children. It's pleasing to know that my students like me. I like them, and I like teaching them. I'll be pleased to go back to work when the holidays are over. Two weeks with so little to do makes me think that I should take Castiel up on his offer and work part time at the Ribbon.

I'm not entirely sure what to do. I have an open invitation to go for a drive and perhaps learn to drive. I could also see going out with Glaurnaneth. We haven't been to the restaurant that changes together and I'm very curious to see what it might choose to be for us. If she were an ordinary lady, perhaps I could buy her a dress for the occasion. I don't know if that would flatter her or if she might think I was trying to change her and make her more human. That's just... She's herself and I do not wish to change her. Alternately, we might see what is on the History channel and perhaps eat a pizza. Pizza is funny to me. There are so many stories about people trying to cook something, failing, and getting a pizza instead.

I wonder sometimes--as I wonder about too many things--if people can tell how strange I am when they look at me.

He's out in the village, could also be found in the park.

streets, loki, faramir

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