These aren't my Moors (Arrival, OTA)

Aug 08, 2014 19:30

Maleficent leaned over and looked into the bassinet. Baby Aurora smiled at her, her cherubic face as adorable as anything Maleficent had ever seen. In that instant, anger and jealousy swirled inside her like a tempest.

Whipping around, Maleficent threw up her arms and addressed the crowd. "Listen well, all of you," she intoned as magic swirled around her. "The princess shall indeed grow in grace and beauty, beloved by all who know her..."

"That's a lovely gift," the queen said, oblivious to the history between Maleficent and Stefan.

Putting a finger to her lips, Maleficent shook her head. She wasn't finished. "But before the sun sets on her sixteenth birthday, she will..." The faerie looked around the room for inspiration, then continued. "... prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and fall into a sleep like death. A sleep from which she will never awaken!"

The gathered crowd let out a collective gasp. Ignoring all, Maleficent turned to go, but Stefan's voice stopped her.

"Maleficent," he said, stepping forward. "Don't do this. I'm begging you."

Maleficent raised an eyebrow and turned back towards him. After a thoughtful pause she said, "I like begging. Do it again."

Maleficent made her way out of the castle's grounds unhindered, smiling to herself darkly. Consumed by her thoughts, she failed to notice that the village at the castle's gate was different from the one that had been there when she entered it. Failed to notice her raven companion no longer flew at her side. It was only after she'd walked from the center of Haurvatat to the edge of the woods and was transported back into the village that she made note of her surroundings at last.

"Diaval?" she called out as she looked around. Puzzled by this new place, annoyed with the raven for not being at her side and... a bit afraid. Her hand tightened around her staff for reassurance.

gabriel, arrival, maleficent, sauron/annatar, streets

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