The Nightmare Begins (Invader Zombie Season 1 Episode 1) [OTA, Arrival]

Jan 10, 2014 19:08

I staggered forward out the door of the (random) shop into the street and stopped, looking around. "What the fuck?" I asked aloud.

There were bruises on my cheek and collarbone, puffiness around my eye and my lip was split from the beating I'd taken from my dad.

"This isn't Nice," I said. I didn't notice it was a little louder

Then the marauding pack of -- well, I don't know what they were. But they sure looked pissed to see me -- blood-covered people came around the corner of the shop.

Ever see those Westerns, the ones where everybody hid behind closed doors and windows when the bad guys squared off against the lone good guy?

Yeah, I was wishing I was one of those people hiding behind the closed doors.

arrival, croatoan!plot, streets, angel crawford

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