Gathering Intelligence [OTA]

Apr 17, 2013 13:50

I've walked through this strange little town a few times now and I have no clue how it works. I really don't seem able to leave, though where I'd go if I could is a mystery to me anyway. Not even the stars at night gave me a proper idea of where I am. I hope to find someone with better intel at some point.

While exploring, I've seen people dressed in the most different styles - some seemed to come right out of a history book - but casual seems to be common. As for some reason, parts of my closet's contents are here as well, I have dressed down, too. Slacks, shirt and a light jacket that hides my gun in its holster. I am too suspicious of this place to leave it behind.

This morning, after a leisurely breakfast, I set off to check out the various shops. If this is to be my new home, I need to know what's what and where and - most of all - who is about. Starting with sales people in shops seems a good idea, they're bound to know a lot about the town and it's inhabitants, so I intend to pick their brains.

Now, where do I start today's tour?

[ooc: Clay is going to walk into a lot of shops, browsing and holding out for anyone to talk to. So feel free to catch him in your pup's work-place.]

clayton webb, tea house and emporium, felecia jollygoodfellow

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