Playing in the snow - Open

Feb 02, 2013 13:30

After everything that had happened last weekend, it was nice to see the village covered in snow. It sort of made it like it was wiping it clean. The memories would never be wiped, but at least it helped. It also helped that it felt like home to Molly. This time of year in Chicago, they would have had a lot of snowfall ( Read more... )

remy lebeau

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wardenramirez February 2 2013, 21:16:42 UTC
Carlos did not enjoy the snow, not at his age. As a kid, it was a rarity to see it, given he lived in Los Angeles. Now it was just a pain in the ass.

However, he felt he had to go out and walk in it once before finding some beer and staying inside. He didn't count on seeing Molly there, and before he knew it, he'd made a snowball and was lobbing it at Molly.


frankenhooker20 February 2 2013, 22:00:26 UTC
She had no idea that it was coming until cold, wet splash hit the back of her neck and went down her collar and shirt. She yelped and spun around expecting to see Harry.

"Oh this is war now!"


wardenramirez February 2 2013, 22:12:19 UTC
Carlos had bent over, laughing at Molly and her response. "War? Sure, bring it on, Apprentice Carpenter!"


frankenhooker20 February 3 2013, 00:46:02 UTC
Molly smirked and vanished in a blink of an eye. She was smart enough not to take a step because no matter how much she veiled he would see her footprints in snow.

He couldn't see magic being cast, however and the branch of the tree above his head suddenly bowed enough to let snow tumble down on him. Sadly, it wasn't a lot of snow.


wardenramirez February 3 2013, 10:00:40 UTC
Footprints in the snow was exactly what Carlos was looking for, so wasn't expecting the snow on the tree behind him to fall on him, and he ducked, then cursed extensively in Spanish, before picking up another snowball and throwing at where Molly was.


frankenhooker20 February 3 2013, 16:30:31 UTC
Molly was laughing so hard at his expression and his reaction that she didn't put a shield up in time to stop the snowball. It hit her square in the chest and the veil disappeared because her concentration was shot.

She was already bending down to pick up snow and heave it at Carlos when she appeared.


wardenramirez February 3 2013, 16:33:53 UTC
Carlos grinned at her, before just picking up a handful of snow, running over, and rubbing it on the back of her neck. Far easier than trying to worry about snow balls.


frankenhooker20 February 3 2013, 17:30:53 UTC
Molly let out a squeak and used her leg to kick out and knock Carlos off balance.


wardenramirez February 3 2013, 19:12:52 UTC
Carlos was laughing as he collapsed to the ground in the snow, just totally amused by the whole thing.


frankenhooker20 February 3 2013, 19:51:46 UTC
Molly rolled over and moved to mush some more snow at him but instead she changed her mind and went to straddle him instead, with snow in her gloved hand.

"Give up?"


wardenramirez February 3 2013, 21:18:58 UTC
Given where Molly was, and how he was feeling about her, his eyes widened. "Uh... yeah?"


frankenhooker20 February 4 2013, 01:18:14 UTC
"Seriously? That was easy." She let the snow drift from her hand to the ground but she stayed where she was. Molly grinned, "does that mean that I get anything I want now?"


wardenramirez February 4 2013, 22:52:25 UTC
"Depends," Carlos said, not moving at all from where he was. "On what you want."


frankenhooker20 February 5 2013, 12:05:17 UTC
"Oh a lot of things." Molly winked, "but I'll settle for a kiss." She grinned, "for now."


I... um... might have deleted the tag. Whoops, and sorry! wardenramirez February 9 2013, 16:52:29 UTC
"A kiss?" Carlos' eyes widened. Well, he supposed it was inevitable, with the flirting they'd been doing. "Think you can handle a kiss from me?"


No Worries! frankenhooker20 February 9 2013, 23:35:49 UTC
Molly snickered, "well if the first one we had in your new office of the magic school didn't make me explode I think I can handle another one." She waggled her eyebrows, "of course there are different ways of exploding."


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