Is this a dream within a dream? (arrival, ota)

Dec 16, 2012 22:12

She did not know how long she had slept, yet troubled voices and darkness plagued her dreams. The grief she felt over her uncle's death still lay heavy on her heart, draining her of her physical strength, although she knew that there was still much to do in the coming days. She had not expected to fall so early in battle.

Her lodgings seemed to have changed. Did the Healers move her to a different room? The surface she was resting on felt hard and uneven, unlike the bed she had been resting on when she first awoke and joyously saw her brother by her bedside. Gone was the sweet scent of the athelas leaves that Aragorn had used to heal her. The chill had returned as well.

Turning onto her side, Eowyn grimaced at the sudden sharp pain she felt when the weight was placed on her injured arm. Carefully pushing herself up into a sitting position, Eowyn was astounded to find that she was not in a room at all, but putdoors. What sort of trickery was this? Dusk had fallen, and her white gown offered her little protection against winter's chill. Shivering, she hugged her arms around herself for what meager warmth they would provide her with. Standing up, Eowyn walked a few steps forward, her bare feet treading on the cold blades of grass, the hem of her dress trailing behind her over the ground. This place seemed strangely familiar, as if she had seen it before in a dream, or a dream within a dream.

arrival, faramir, park

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