Little souls, big world (multi-pup post to save space, OTA, tag Claire)

Apr 20, 2011 14:35

With her chin propped in her palm, her coffee and danish sitting beside her so far untouched, Ramona stared at the creature that had been in her room when she'd finally rolled out of bed. It gazed back at her sometimes, and sometimes quietly watched people come in and out of the cafe. While it was undeniably pretty, and felt undeniably like a part of her, it was still weird. If the Lyra kid was right, then this was her soul she was looking at, and she wasn't sure how she felt about her soul being, literally, cold blooded.

Still, she supposed it fit, and not just because of her tendency to change her hair color with her moods. God knows she was mercurial, couldn't stand for things to stay the same.

Almost hesitantly, she held her hand out to him, and let him crawl up her arm to settle across her shoulders.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Alistair was a lot slower on the uptake than Ramona.

When he woke up to find a watchful Mabari warhound** at the foot of his bed, he giddily jumped out of bed, threw on clothes, wolfed down some breakfast (the dog didn't seem much interested in eating) and let his new furry friend follow him to the park. His new dog seemed to pick up his mood readily, but never barked--odd, to say the least, for a Mabari. Still, she (yes, he checked the plumbing, so sue him) was happy to run around the park with him and play, behavior that to casual observers probably seemed out of character with how big and muscular the dog looked.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Inara really didn't know what to think. The large jungle cat that had been following her around all morning was incredibly beautiful and felt...connected to her, but she feared that it might be a danger to others. Yet, when she'd tried to convinced him to stay behind, it felt horribly like being wrenched in two.

So she'd allowed him to follow her across the village, to the Temple of Aphrodite, where it followed her around as she replaced flowers and dusted and re-draped silks, sat quietly and unblinking at her feet when she stopped and worked, so calm, beautiful and graceful it almost seemed a part of the decor.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Beckett had been in something of a rut lately, starting to question whether or not she was wasting her time, trying to do police work in the village. With dragons and zombies, demons and curses flying around all the time, she felt horribly out of her element. Yes, she could learn, and she was willing to learn, but she was only human, and was starting to wonder what good she could do.

The quiet German Shepherd that followed her to the waffle place this morning was odd at first. Okay, it was still odd, because when she'd tried to shoo it away, it had kept following her, and when she'd offered it a piece of sausage off of her breakfast plate, it had just looked at her. What kind of dog refused sausage?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

When Galen had gotten out of bed at Ben's first babbling morning call, there had been a large wolf sitting patiently outside his door. His automatic response had been to Force pull his lightsaber to him and ignite the blade. Yet it only took a moment for him to feel the Force flowing through the animal, feel a presence from it that felt as familiar as himself. Because, he realized, as he deactivated his lightsaber, it was a part of him.

And it wasn't the only new edition to the family, so to speak. He felt a presence in Ben's room as he heard his son call again, much calmer this morning than he usually was. He went to the nursery, the wolf following at his heels, and stopped and stared at the small bird that fluttered around his son's crib, much to the baby's delight.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Simon hadn't a clue what was going on--just that it was painful to let the little meerkat he'd found in his room this morning get too far away from him. He wasn't entirely sure how he'd make his rounds with the little animal--he didn't even know what it was--but he figured, as he sat in his tiny office going over some patient charts, that he'd figure something out. It didn't seem like a normal animal, at least behavioral wise--and after reading his messenger, he realized that they were apparently enduring another round of village strangeness, which had been his theory all along.

Now he just had to figure out what to do with it.

(ooc: just let me know who you're tagging)

**Mabari are war dogs in Dragon Age canon that are considered a kind of symbol of Alistair's country, Ferelden. While not exactly a mystical creature, they were bred using magic ages ago and are highly intelligent, considered a status symbol of the royal, the noble, and the best warriors--you don't own a Mabari, a Mabari choses who it bonds with. They are LARGE (not quite Great Dane size, but still v. large and broad) and very muscular, but there's something about the eyes that makes them seem less fierce.

aphrodite's temple, clinic, waffle place, sam winchester, cafe, park

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