Jul 19, 2010 13:35
When Chuck arrived at TRON that morning, he was surprised to find that Gus hadn't been at the shop all weekend, but he quickly waved the thought away considering it was the weekend and most people didn't want to work anyways. But as the day went on a Gus still hadn't shown up - at the very least for a free sandwich or two - Chuck started getting 'a feeling'. A feeling which led to phoning the front desk of the hotel and then to a very disappointed Chuck leaning against the counter at the sandwich shop.
Gus was gone. Again. Which meant now Chuck was alone with Casey and one of them was going to have to start keeping track of finances. Chuck could already hear Casey grumbling about it which meant that he, himself, would have to keep it all in order. Awesome.
He sighed. On top of Gus leaving, he still hadn't had that date with Sarah yet. Things always seemed to come up. Who thought a sandwich shop could have a grease fire, for one.
"Maybe I should eat some pickles."