For the Man Who Has Everything [Backdated to Xmas eve ...]

Jan 05, 2010 18:46

Harvey Dent usually only took one day off a year, Christmas day. While in Gotham, however, even December 25th was interrupted with emergencies of all sorts, but Dent wasn't the sort to complain.  His extended family, however, usually took bets on what time Harvey's PDA would fire up, and Harvey usually ended up eating turkey dinner in front of a stack of paperwork in the Major Crimes unit, especially during his time in internal affairs. After being elected DA, Harvey didn't expect any actual days off ... which is why landing in the middle of a nearly crime-free village threw him for such a loop.

Furthermore, deciding what to get for Bruce Wayne, who was already making a name for himself in the village as a Captain of Industry of sorts and could buy anything he wanted, was no easy task. Beneath Bruce's facade as a carefree, hedonistic billionaire who accepted only the best of the best in all respects, Bruce was a thoroughly practical man who had no use for trinkets, art, games or more clothing than he already had in his closet.

Harvey knew Bruce wouldn't be easy to buy for, and even harder to surprise with something, and so he'd begun thinking about what to get the man who has everything back around Halloween.  The resourceful DA was nearly ready to give up and buy Bruce a hundred pairs of matching black socks when it hit him ... the thing Bruce wanted more than anything.

Holodeck technology was something Harvey had only heard of second hand, but once he'd made the connection, Harvey found someone capable of crafting the program quickly and provided all the reference material he could, both from memory, his own photographs that had appeared with him when he arrived and the massive resources of Haurvatat's library. When Harvey had seen it for himself a day ago, he had been beyond impressed.

It would be perfect ... he hoped.

The day had finally come for the reveal, and after messaging Bruce, Harvey Dent waited in the Ten Forward lounge for Bruce Wayne with a glass of spiced rum in hand.

[I don't know a lot about the holodeck per se, so if I make it way more amazing than it really would be ... my bad. Also, since there is no manager or employees, I thought Harv would just have gone to an NPC for the creation of the program. Sorry Trek fans!]

ten forward

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